A to Z
- 55 Morning Lane
- A-Z of parks and green spaces
- Abandoned vehicle removal
- Abney Park Cemetery
- Access to adoption records
- Accessibility statement for Hackney Council
- Active traffic orders
- Activities and services that promote independence
- Adoption support
- Adult education
- Adult services privacy notice
- Adult social care
- Adult social care annual reports and strategies
- Adult social care feedback
- Advice and enquiries
- Advice for temporary accomodation residents
- Advice if you’re thinking of asking someone to move out
- Advice if you’re worried you’re about to become homeless
- Affordable homes to buy and rent
- Affordable workspace
- After submitting a planning application
- Age and sex discrimination
- Ageing well in Hackney
- Agendas, reports, decisions and minutes
- Aikin Court
- Air quality action plan and reports
- Air quality and climate change
- Air quality and planning
- Air quality in Hackney
- Albion Square
- Albion Square conservation area
- Alcohol advice and support
- All ability and special needs cycling sessions
- All zone on-street permits and vouchers
- Allens Gardens
- Allotments and growing food
- Altering or selling your home
- Alternative dispute resolution scheme
- Amhurst Road and Pembury Circus transformation
- Animal welfare
- Animal welfare licences
- Applicable amounts
- Apply for a Council Tax discount or exemption
- Apply for a personalised permit bay
- Apply for a road closure and diversion
- Apply for homeless help
- Apply for the new community support permit and vouchers
- Apply to be a Shared Lives carer in Hackney
- Apply to extend your lease
- Apply to join the housing register
- Approved premises for civil marriages and partnerships
- Approved premises for meat, dairy, poultry, fish and egg products
- Archives and local history
- Archives collections
- Article 4 Directions
- Asbestos management
- Ash Grove supplementary planning document
- Ask a question at cabinet, or full council
- Attend council meetings
- Autism
- Beck Road conservation area
- Before you visit Hackney Archives
- Being Sugar Smart
- Being sociable
- Benefit claim and calculator
- Benefit overpayments
- Benefits privacy notice
- Bereavement support
- Better Broadband
- Bid for social housing
- Bike sharing
- Biodiversity and nature conservation
- Births
- Blue Badges
- Blue and brown plaques
- Book an appointment with our Homeownership Services team
- Bridge House and Marian Court
- Bridges
- Bridport House
- Britannia
- Broadway Market
- Broadway Market Green
- Broadway Market and Regents Court
- Broadway Market conservation area
- Brownfield land register
- Brownswood conservation area
- Building control
- Building control application types
- Building new council homes
- Building regulations
- Building work
- Building works exemptions
- Buildings insurance
- Bulky waste collections
- Business continuity management
- Business parking permits
- Business rate revaluation 2023
- Business rates
- Business rates bills and FAQs
- Business rates privacy notice
- Business support and advice
- Butterfield Green
- Buying your council home
- By-elections results
- Calculating your service charges
- Car clubs
- Car free developments
- Carer’s assessment for unpaid carers
- Carers
- Carers’ direct payments
- Carers’ emergency card
- Carers’ rights
- Ceremonies at Hackney Town Hall
- Challenges to the legality of Council Tax
- Charges and stages for penalty charge notices
- Charges for non-residential care services
- Charles Square
- Chatsworth Road Market
- Chatsworth Road consultation
- Check planning policy in your area
- Check your collection day
- Childhood vaccinations
- Children and families
- Children and families service privacy notice
- Children and teenagers library
- Children and young people scrutiny commission
- Children services assessment: Common assessment framework (CAF)
- Children’s social care complaints
- Choose how to manage your care
- Choose who provides your social care
- Christmas tree recycling
- Citizenship ceremonies
- City and Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board
- Civil protection: emergency planning and response
- Clapton
- Clapton Common
- Clapton Common conservation area
- Clapton Library
- Clapton Park
- Clapton Pond
- Clapton Pond conservation area
- Clapton Square
- Clapton Square conservation area
- Clissold Crescent low traffic neighbourhood
- Clissold Park and Clissold House
- Clissold Park conservation area
- Closed parking zone consultations
- Club premises certificate
- Colville Estate
- Commercial property
- Commission into Affordable Childcare
- Commissioning and procurement of adult social care
- Commitment, renewal of vows and naming ceremonies
- Community Energy Fund
- Community Wellbeing Space
- Community and day centres
- Community grants
- Community library service
- Community litter picks
- Community partnerships
- Community right to bid – assets of community value
- Community safety and enforcement
- Community safety and social inclusion scrutiny commission (disbanded)
- Community safety partnership
- Community strategy
- Companion e-badge
- Connecting green spaces
- Conservation and urban design
- Conservation areas
- Constituencies and wards
- Contact us about Council Tax
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated land – planning and building
- Contextual safeguarding
- Cooking classes in Hackney
- Coronavirus – community support
- Coronavirus (Covid-19) privacy notice
- Council Constitution
- Council Tax bands
- Council Tax bills FAQs
- Council Tax charges and who pays
- Council Tax privacy notice
- Council Tax support if you’re on a low income or receive Universal Credit
- Council budget 2025 to 2026
- Council car parks
- Council election results
- Council finances
- Council homes fire safety
- Council spending over £250
- Council tax reduction disputes and appeals
- Courts and pitches
- Covid-19 business grants
- Cremer Street low traffic neighbourhood
- Culture activities, events and funding opportunities in Hackney
- Cycle hangars
- Cycle training
- Cycleway 23
- Cycling
- Cycling to school
- DIY repairs videos
- Daily respite for carers of adults (Homeshare)
- Dalston
- Dalston CLR James Library
- Dalston Lane (West) conservation area
- Dalston Square Children’s Festival
- Dalston conservation area
- Dalston supplementary planning document
- Dalston travel survey
- Damp, mould and condensation
- Dangerous dogs
- Dangerous structures and public safety
- Daubeney Fields
- De Beauvoir
- De Beauvoir Square
- De Beauvoir conservation area
- Deaths
- Demolition
- Deprivation of liberties safeguards
- Design review panel
- Direct payments
- Disabilities, impairments and accessibility
- Disability
- Disabled facilities grants
- Discretionary renovation grants for homes
- Dispensation waivers
- Disposing of a vehicle
- Dispute your penalty charge notice
- District heat
- Diversity in Tech Commission
- Doctor’s parking permit
- Dogs in parks
- Domestic abuse support
- Donating to our collections
- Dropped kerbs and vehicle crossovers
- Drug support and advice
- E-library
- East and West Bank Nature Reserve
- Eco-Schools programme
- Education privacy notice
- Elected representatives
- Elections and voting
- Electoral Registration Officer privacy notice
- Electric vehicles
- Elsdale Street and Mead Place low traffic neighbourhood
- Email disclaimer
- Emergency out of hours social work service
- Emirates Stadium match and event day parking
- Empty properties
- End violence against women and girls
- Energy saving advice sessions
- Enter the Hackney Council garden competition
- Environmental enforcement
- Environmental health
- Environmental permits for dry cleaning
- Environmental permits for pollution prevention and control
- Equality and diversity
- Equality impact assessments
- Equipment and adaptations to the home
- Estate cleaning
- Estate housing surgeries
- Estate parking visitor vouchers
- Estate resident parking permits
- Estate services
- Estates Recycling Programme
- Evidence to support your claim
- Exercise after stroke or TIA
- Exercise for over 50s
- Fairchild’s Garden
- Feedback and complaints
- Fellows Court and Weymouth Court
- Film parking vouchers
- Filming in Hackney
- Financial advice if you’re getting social care
- Financial arrangements for your stay in a residential or nursing care home
- Find a football development team
- Find out if you need planning permission
- Find somewhere to stay tonight
- Find support services
- Find your councillor
- Fireworks licence
- Fitness classes
- Flood warnings and planning
- Food fraud
- Food hygiene rating scheme
- Food network
- Food safety
- Food waste recycling
- Formal notices
- Fostering – transferring from another agency
- Fostering with Hackney
- Frampton Park
- Free wifi and computer booking
- Freedom of the borough
- Freedom passes
- Fremont and Warneford conservation area
- Friends of Hackney Archives (Hackney History)
- Funding for resident participation
- Future Shoreditch area action plan
- Gambling
- Gambling notices
- Gambling permits
- Gambling premises licence
- Garden waste
- Gas safety
- Gender pay gap reporting
- Gender reassignment
- General election results
- General fire safety advice
- Get Active in Hackney
- Get a privately rented home
- Get help paying your business rates
- Get help through Hackney Here to Help
- Get involved in your community
- Getting winter vaccinations
- Give notice
- Gore Road traffic filter
- Governance and resources scrutiny commission (disbanded)
- Graham Road and Mapledene conservation area
- Grants FAQs and key documents
- Great Eastern
- Green homes
- Greener Hackney
- Gritting roads and clearing snow
- Ground rent
- Grounds for disputing a penalty charge notice
- Grounds maintenance
- Growing up in Hackney: child-friendly places supplementary planning document (SPD)
- Guest wi-fi terms of use
- Guidance for landlords
- HCIL development
- Hackney Armed Forces community covenant
- Hackney Carnival
- Hackney Central
- Hackney Central Library
- Hackney Central Station Cycle Hub
- Hackney Central low traffic neighbourhood
- Hackney Community Strategy Partnership
- Hackney Compact
- Hackney Design Awards 2024
- Hackney Downs
- Hackney Downs low traffic neighbourhood
- Hackney Faith Forum
- Hackney Food Justice Alliance
- Hackney Light and Power
- Hackney Marshes
- Hackney Nights
- Hackney Pride 365
- Hackney Road conservation area
- Hackney SHINE – energy advice
- Hackney Sales
- Hackney School Stars
- Hackney Thinking Spaces
- Hackney Today, Hackney Life and Our Homes
- Hackney Today, Hackney Life and Our Homes archive
- Hackney Wick
- Hackney Wick conservation area
- Hackney cabinet members
- Hackney community infrastructure levy (CIL)
- Hackney housing strategy
- Hackney kinship care local offer
- Hackney leisure map
- Hackney ward profiles
- Hackney’s Black African and Caribbean history
- Hackney’s heritage
- Haggerston Baths
- Haggerston Park
- Health advice
- Health and safety
- Health and wellbeing board
- Health in Hackney scrutiny commission
- Healthier Catering Commitment
- Help at home
- Help for people with learning disabilities
- Help for private sector tenants
- Help paying your Council Tax
- Help paying your rent
- Help with evictions and harassment
- Help with meals
- Help with the rising cost of living
- Help with your tenancy
- Hertford Road low traffic neighbourhood
- High hedges
- High street collection times
- Highway obstructions
- Highways licence
- Highways list of streets
- Hire a community hall
- Holding events in parks
- Home care providers
- Home contents insurance
- Homeowners gas safety
- Homerton Grove
- Homerton Library
- Homerton low traffic neighbourhood
- Hospital stay and benefits
- Household Support Fund
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction explained
- Housing benefit disputes and appeals
- Housing benefits overpayments privacy notice
- Housing delivery test action plan
- Housing schemes and residential care homes
- Housing with Care and Interim Care
- How our tenants think we’re doing
- How the Council works
- How to be a councillor
- How to request an external wall system (EWS) form
- How to request parking controls
- Hoxton
- Hoxton East travel survey
- Hoxton Square
- Hoxton Street Market
- Hoxton Street conservation area
- Hoxton West
- Hoxton West low traffic neighbourhood
- If you’re worried about a child or young person
- Illegal tobacco
- Improve your digital skills
- Improving air quality by supporting sustainable transport
- Improving outcomes for young black men
- Inclusive economy strategy 2019-25
- Independent financial advice
- Integrated communities programme
- Jobs at the Council
- Joe White Gardens
- Keeping warm in winter
- King Edward’s Road
- King’s Park Moving Together
- Kings Crescent
- Kingsland Market
- Kingsland conservation area
- Kit Crowley Gardens
- Knowing our communities
- Knowing our workforce
- Kynaston Gardens
- Late night levy
- Lea Bridge conservation area
- Learning disabilities partnership forum
- Leaseholders, freeholders and shared owners
- Leaving care local offer
- Legal advice
- Legal services privacy notice
- Legally enforceable agreements purchase orders over £5,000
- Leisure activities for older people and adults with disabilities
- Leisure and sports centres
- Let your property through us
- Libraries
- Library fees and fines
- Licensing
- Licensing policy (alcohol, entertainment and late night refreshment)
- Lincoln Court
- List of licence applications
- Listed buildings
- Living in Hackney scrutiny commission
- Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)
- Local Policing Scrutiny Panel
- Local housing allowance explained
- Local land charges search
- Local plan 2033 (LP33)
- Local plan 2033 examination
- Locally listed buildings
- London Building Acts (Amendment) Act 1939 applications
- London Fields
- London Fields low traffic neighbourhood
- London Walking and Cycling Conference
- London Youth Games
- Looked after children
- Lordship Park conservation area
- Lost and stray dogs and cats
- Love Hackney
- Low traffic neighbourhoods
- MPs and GLA
- MST practitioner registration
- MST premises licence
- Mabley Green
- Major works
- Make a freedom of information request
- Make a planning application
- Make a referral under the duty to refer
- Make a request to access your personal information
- Making alterations to your home
- Making changes to your council tenancy
- Making our homes more energy efficient
- Mare Street conservation area
- Mark Street Gardens
- Market trading licence
- Markets fees and charges
- Marriage and civil partnership
- Marriage, civil partnership and other ceremonies
- Mayor and Councillors privacy notice
- Mayor of Hackney
- Mayoral election results
- Members’ allowances
- Memorial trees and benches
- Mental health support
- Millfields Park
- Modern day slavery
- Money you owe at the end of your tenancy
- Monitoring officer privacy notice
- Morris Blitz Court
- Morry Levy Memorial Ground
- Mortuary service
- Motions
- Move on from your social home
- NHS Healthy Start Scheme
- Neighbourhood planning
- Neighbourhood planning applications and decisions
- Newington Green (North) conservation area
- Nightingale Estate
- NoiseWorks privacy notice
- Non-dependant deductions explained
- Non-licensable events
- Non-medicinal poisons licence
- Northwold and Cazenove conservation area
- Occupational therapy
- On-street cycle parking
- On-street resident parking permits
- On-street visitor vouchers
- Order bins and bags for waste and recycling
- Organisations that help with money matters and advice
- Other licences
- Our #BetterDealForRenters campaign
- Our commitment to anti-racism
- Overview and scrutiny reviews and reports
- Parent carers
- Parents’ guide to youth justice
- Park user groups
- Parking account ‘how to’ guides
- Parking and enforcement plan
- Parking and traffic enforcement privacy notice
- Parking bay suspension
- Parking enforcement on bank holidays
- Parking permit charges
- Parking policy consultations
- Parking products and services privacy notice
- Parking reports
- Parking restrictions
- Parking zone consultations
- Parking zones
- Parklet design guidance
- Parklets
- Parks FAQs
- Parks and green spaces
- Parks and green spaces strategy
- Parkside Estate
- Pavement licence
- Pavement parking
- Pay for major works
- Pay your Council Tax
- Pay your business rates
- Pay your penalty charge notice
- Pay your rent
- Pay your service charge or shared ownership rent
- Paying for a funeral
- Payments and back payments
- Penalty charge notice FAQs
- Personal licences
- Pest control
- Pet shop licence
- Petitions
- Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022
- Pitfield Street conservation area
- Planned maintenance works programme
- Planning appeals
- Planning consultation
- Planning contributions supplementary planning document
- Planning decision notices
- Planning enforcement
- Planning performance agreements
- Planning policies
- Planning privacy notice
- Plans, policies and strategies
- Play streets
- Playgrounds
- Policy, evidence and statistics
- Population
- Postal and proxy voting
- Pre-application service
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Premises licence
- Preventing gang crime
- Preventing terrorism
- Previous reviews of the GAR commission
- Prioritisation documents
- Privacy statement
- Private and housing association homes fire safety
- Private fostering
- Private roads and streets
- Private sector housing privacy notice
- Privately operated markets
- Procurement FAQs
- Procurement strategy
- Projects, events and exhibitions
- Property information enquiries
- Property licensing
- Protecting people’s properties and assets
- Protection order
- Public health privacy notice
- Public inspection notices
- Public recycling banks
- Public space surveillance (CCTV) in Hackney
- Public spaces protection order (Dog control)
- Publication scheme
- Purchasing policies and standards
- Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park events
- Queensbridge Road conservation area
- Race and ethnicity
- Raising awareness about air quality and working with others
- Rebuilding a better Hackney
- Recruitment privacy notice
- Recycling in schools
- Red routes
- Reduce, reuse and repair
- Reducing car trips and using public transport
- Reducing parental conflict
- Reframe the night
- Regeneration
- Regent’s Canal conservation area
- Register a food business
- Register to sublet your leasehold property
- Register to vote
- Registered parks, gardens and London squares
- Registrars’ fees
- Regulations, exemptions, warranties and other guidance
- Religion and belief
- Religious ceremonies and registering a building for worship
- Rent a garage
- Rent a parking space on Yorkshire Grove Estate
- Rent restrictions explained
- Repairs
- Report a benefits change of circumstances
- Report a change to your business rates account
- Report a concern about an adult
- Report a missed collection
- Report anti-social behaviour – council tenants
- Report crime or antisocial behaviour
- Report noise
- Report roads, streets and pavement problems
- Request a Council Tax refund
- Resident estate improvement fund
- Resident participation
- Residential care for children
- Residents charter
- Residents with additional needs
- Respite breaks for carers of adults
- Responding to the conflict in Israel and Gaza
- Returning Officer privacy notice
- Reuse and Recycling Centres (tips or dumps)
- Review of premises licence or club premises certificate
- Review, Rename, Reclaim
- Ridley Road Market
- Road safety
- Roads and highways enforcement
- Roadworks in Hackney
- Rowley Gardens
- Running groups
- Safeguarding adults reviews
- Safeguarding resources
- Safety and security
- Satellite dishes
- School Streets
- School travel plan funding opportunities
- School travel plan templates
- School travel plans
- Scrap metal dealer application
- Scrutiny and decision-making
- Search the online catalogue
- Search, reserve and renew
- Search, view and comment on planning applications
- Self-build and custom housebuilding
- Selling to the council
- Selman House and Wellday House (Gascoyne Estate)
- Senior officers’ pay
- Serious violence support and reporting
- Service charges
- Setting up a bank account
- Sex establishment licence
- Sexual health
- Sexual orientation
- Shacklewell Green conservation area
- Shared owners
- Sheltered housing
- Shepherdess Walk
- Shop front trading licence
- Shore Gardens
- Shore Place low traffic neighbourhood
- Shoreditch
- Shoreditch Library
- Shoreditch Park
- Short breaks for children and young people
- Site allocations local plan
- Site allocations local plan evidence base
- Site inspections
- Skills, economy and growth scrutiny commission
- Skip licence
- Small society lotteries
- Smoke and emissions from burning
- Solar power
- South Shoreditch conservation area
- Speak at cabinet, or full council
- Speak at licensing sub-committees
- Speak at the planning sub-committee
- Speed limits, humps and traffic calming
- Sport for young people
- Sports grants and coaching
- Spring Hill Recreation Ground
- Springfield Park
- St John’s Churchyard
- St Leonard’s Court
- St Mark’s conservation area
- St Thomas’s Long Burial Ground
- St Thomas’s Square Gardens
- Staff privacy notice
- Stamford Hill Area Action Plan
- Stamford Hill Area Action Plan examination
- Stamford Hill Design Guide (supplementary planning document)
- Stamford Hill Library
- Statement of accounts
- Stillbirths
- Stoke Newington Common
- Stoke Newington Library
- Stoke Newington conservation area
- Stoke Newington low traffic neighbourhood
- Stoke Newington reservoirs, filter beds and New River conservation area
- Stonebridge Gardens (Snake Park)
- Strategic plan
- Street naming and numbering
- Street parties or large or commercial events
- Street trading sites
- Structural survey on the Gascoyne Estate
- Submit your planning application
- Subscribe to our newsletters
- Sun Street conservation area
- Superseded planning policies
- Supplementary planning documents and other planning guidance
- Support for adults
- Support for disabled children and their families
- Support for families
- Support in temporary accommodation
- Supported living and supporting people
- Supported lodgings
- Supporting young unaccompanied asylum seekers
- Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS)
- Tech-Enabled Living (TEL) service
- Tell us about a rough sleeper
- Tell us about an illegally parked vehicle
- Tell us you’re moving or report a change
- Temporary event notices (TEN)
- Tenant management organisations
- Tenants
- Tenders and contracts
- Terms of use
- The Hackney Central Community Panel
- The Mental Capacity Act
- The Speaker
- The TCS Mini Marathon Championships
- The contaminated land regime
- The history of Hackney’s diverse communities
- Tower Court
- Town Hall Square conservation area
- Trading in parks
- Trading standards
- Traffic management
- Training opportunities
- Transfer of premises licence
- Transparency
- Transport in Hackney
- Transport strategy 2015-25
- Travel passes and concessions
- Travel plans
- Travel plans for new developments
- Trees
- Troubled families evaluation privacy notice
- Twinning
- Two-wheeled motorcycle parking
- Types of council tenancy
- Ufton Gardens
- Ufton Road traffic filter
- Ultra low emission streets
- Understanding your penalty charge notice (PCN)
- Underwood Street conservation area
- Universal Credit explained
- Variation of a designated premises supervisor
- Variation of premises licence
- Victoria Park conservation area
- View your Council Tax account
- View your housing benefit and Council Tax reduction account
- View your landlord payment account
- Visitor parking
- Volunteer in Hackney
- Volunteering at Hackney Archives
- Volunteering in parks and green spaces
- Walford Road low traffic neighbourhood
- Walking to school
- Walks and walking groups
- Waste and recycling for businesses
- Waste collections
- Watch out for scams
- Water quality
- Wayman Court and Graham Road
- Ways to get involved
- Welcome Hackney – refugee, migrant and asylum seeker service
- Well Street Common
- Well Street Market
- Well Street conservation area
- West Hackney Recreation Ground
- West Reservoir
- Weymouth Terrace low traffic neighbourhood
- What happens if I don’t pay my Council Tax?
- What is disabled parking?
- What to do if your property is flooded
- What to do if your vehicle has been removed
- What’s on in Hackney libraries
- Where to park
- Where you can park with a blue badge
- Why the Council charges for parking
- Windrush generation and support for undocumented migrants
- Winter cycling
- Winter planning
- Woodberry Down
- Woodberry Down Library
- Woodberry Down Park
- Working in parks
- Working with the council
- Young Futures
- Young Hackney
- Young Hackney Eastway
- Young carers
- Your council tenancy agreement
- Your councillors
- Your lease (or transfer of part agreement)
- Your recycling
- Your rent
- Your social care assessment
- Youth justice
- Youth justice – bail and court
- Youth justice – community orders and sentences
- Youth justice – custody
- Youth justice – prevention and diversion (out of court disposals)