Local plan 2033 examination

The new borough-wide local plan 2033, known as LP33, will be is the key strategic planning document used to direct and guide development in the borough up to 2033. Our aim is to make sure that the right amount of development is built in the right place at the right time so that the future needs of the borough are met.

On 22 July 2020, Hackney’s Local Plan 2033 was adopted at Full Council.

On 23 January 2019, Hackney’s local plan 2033 was submitted to the planning inspectorate for examination. The examination in public of the local plan took place in June 2019.


Update June 2020 – receipt of the Planning Inspector’s report

On 10 June 2020 Hackney Council received the Planning Inspector’s report on the examination of the Hackney proposed submission local plan. The report concludes that the plan was sound, subject to modifications as set out in the Inspector’s schedule of modifications. A copy of the report is available to view or download on this page:

Hard copies of the report and schedule of modifications are available upon request by emailing planmaking@hackney.gov.uk or phoning 020 8356 8084.

The plan is scheduled for adoption at full council on 22 July 2020.

Now that the Inspector’s report has been issued, all enquiries regarding Hackney’s local plan should be directed to planmaking@hackney.gov.uk or tel 020 8356 8084/8062.

Previous stages

The consultation on the main modifications was carried out from 25 September 2019 to 6 November 2019.  The responses were submitted to the Planning Inspector for consideration in the final report:

Main modifications consultation following the examination hearing sessions

Documents submitted to the Inspector during and soon after the hearing sessions

In the course of the hearings sessions a number of matters were discussed, which required further clarification and expansion.

Schedule of modifications maintained during the examination hearings

A schedule of modifications was maintained, and updated as part of the hearings.

Statement of common grounds

The Council submitted the following statements of common ground following dialogue with various parties:

Examination hearings

Examination hearings took place between 18th June 2019 – 26 June 2019. The Inspector issued separate guidance notes for the examination of the local plan which are accompanied by a matters, issues and questions note.

Written statements

The following written statements were produced by Hackney Council and third parties in response to the Inspector’s matters, issues and questions (MIQs).

Matter 1
Matter 2
Matter 3
Matter 4
Matter 5
Matter 6
Matter 7
Matter 8
Matter 9
Outstanding matters

Correspondence between the Inspector and the Council prior to the hearing

Initial correspondence from the Planning Inspector and the Council’s response

Core submission documents

Evidence base

Protecting and enhancing heritage and leading the way in good urban design

Hackney’s people

Meeting Hackney’s housing need

A strong and competitive economy which benefits all

Planning for a vibrant town centre

Improving accessing and promoting sustainable transport

Hackney green and public spaces

Climate change

Additional evidence

Additional Evidence post Inspector’s MIQs

Page updated on: 13 June 2022

Local Plan 2033 Programme Officer


Local Plan 2033 Programme Officer
2 Hillman Street
E8 1FB
