Members’ allowances

Members’ allowances scheme

We operate a members’ allowances scheme and each member receives a basic allowance. The scheme includes special responsibility allowances paid for particular duties. Travel, subsistence, dependent carers’ and co-optees’ allowances are paid for doing approved duties specified in the scheme.

Members’ expenses

A full breakdown of expenses can be found below. In addition to the expenses claimed through the members’ allowances scheme, this includes additional approved expenses incurred by members when undertaking council business that fall outside the scope of the members’ allowances scheme.

Independent remuneration panel

The Council joined London Councils independent remuneration panel arrangements in January 2015. The Council will refer to the panel’s report and recommendations when setting its members allowances scheme.

The Council agreed to engage Sir Rodney Brooke CBE DL to act as an independent adviser by making recommendations to Council on allowances based on London Councils’ scheme. The report of the independent adviser which was considered by Council in July 2015.

See independent adviser report (PDF 96kb).

Outside bodies

Members of the Council are appointed to serve on outside body organisations annually by the cabinet. The positions are for a varied period of time and in some cases, members will receive remuneration from the outside body for the duties they undertake during their appointment.

In carrying out these roles, members act as both individuals and as representatives of the Council.

See outside bodies list (PDF 93kb)

Declarations of interest

The code of conduct requires each member to declare certain interests. To view your councillor’s interests visit your councillors.

Page updated on: 5 February 2025

Governance Services


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Hackney Town Hall
Mare Street
E8 1EA