Brownswood conservation area

Brownswood conservation area was designated on 24 February 2020. It is a high quality late Victorian suburb with a clear hierarchy of housing types set out from the 1860s onwards.

In order to preserve the features that give these streets their special character such as original windows, doors, brick detailing, distinctive porches and the like, we are also seeking an Article 4 Direction over the conservation area, which will remove certain permitted development rights.

Article 4 Direction

We have made a non-immediate Article 4 Direction over Brownswood Conservation Area, (as designated on 24 February 2020), in order to remove certain permitted development rights.

See Article 4 Directions – Brownswood, Beck Road and Well Street Conservation Areas.

Page updated on: 31 May 2024

Planning duty desk


Opening times

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9am to 5pm (telephone)
  • Wednesday – 9am to 4pm (telephone)