Community litter picks

Do you want to help keep our parks and green spaces clean this summer? Are you tired of seeing the amount of litter that people are leaving in our parks and green spaces?

Our park keepers do an amazing job of keeping them clean, but unfortunately we still see large amounts of litter left in our green spaces, especially over summer.

Some groups have started helping out by arranging litter picks and clean up days in their local park. They have found that not only are these rewarding, but they are great ways of bringing the community together.


Get started

The easiest way to help out is to take a bin bag with you next time you visit the park and collect a few bits of litter while you’re there. You can leave anything you find in the nearest park bin.

Organising a bigger litter pick?

If you’d like to organise a bigger litter pick or clean up day, you first need to choose a date, location and time and let us know the details. Email and we can help you publicise it.

Corporate groups

If you are a corporate group and aren’t sure where you’d like to litter pick, we’d love an extra pair of hands around Hackney MarshesEast MarshDaubeney FieldsWick Woodland and Mabley Green.

You can collect litter pickers and bin bags from Hackney Marshes Depot.

When you’re finished, leave the bin bags in any bin on site.

Email to let us know when you’d like to do the litter pick and collect the equipment.

Be sure to complete a risk assessment before you start.

If you would like to take part in other types of volunteering in our parks, visit volunteering in parks and green spaces.


  • we have a parks newsletter that comes out on the first of each month, and we’d be happy to publicise your litter pick or clean up day if you tell us a week before the newsletter is published – email the details to
  • we’re also happy for you to put posters up to advertise your litter pick – if you send us the design we’ll print copies for you and put them in the park noticeboards
  • think about local groups that you can email to publicise the litter pick such as local councillors, schools, community groups, park user groups and faith organisations – if you contact us we may be able to recommend some
  • make sure people know where and when to meet, what clothes to wear and which equipment to bring on any publicity

Before the litter pick

  • ask us for litter pickers and bin bags – email and we’ll arrange a drop off or collection.
  • complete a risk assessment
  • arrange for for your litter to be collected – we’ll help you with this when you contact us

The day of the litter pick

  • make sure volunteers know about health and safety risks, who is responsible for first aid, how to use the equipment, the route and timings.
  • be considerate – don’t disturb animals, damage plants or remove natural ‘rubbish’ like logs, stones and weeds – they can be home to animals
  • make sure all volunteers, particularly children, are aware of what not to pick up, like drug related litter, for example  note the location and tell us instead

After the event

Tell us about the results of the pick. We want to know how much you collected and how many people turned up.

Join an existing litter pick

If you’d rather join an existing litter pick, there are plenty to choose from. Plastic Free Hackney regularly host litter picks along the River Lea and in Hackney Marshes. Clissold Park User Group, London Fields User Group, Abney Park User Group and Hackney Downs User Group all host their own litter picks as well.


Page updated on: 24 November 2022

Parks and Green Spaces


Springfield House
Springfield Park
Springfield, Hackney
E5 9EF


Opening times

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9am to 5pm (telephone)
  • Wednesday – 9am to 4pm (telephone)