Health and wellbeing board

The Hackney health and wellbeing board is a statutory committee of the Council.

This means senior leaders from the NHS, Hackney Council, Healthwatch and the voluntary and community sector can work together to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Hackney and reduce health inequalities.


What does the health and wellbeing board do?

The health and wellbeing board aims to improve the health and wellbeing of local people and tackle health inequalities by:

  • identifying local health needs and priorities, and making sure commissioning plans reflect the findings of our analysis of local health needs, view the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (PDF 356kb)
  • preparing and publishing a joint health and wellbeing strategy (google docs) based upon the needs identified within the City and Hackney health and wellbeing profile
  • plan the delivery of integrated local services by addressing the underlying factors of health and wellbeing
  • encouraging agencies to collaborate
  • communicating and engaging with the public and other stakeholders about how to achieve the best possible quality of life
  • assessing needs for pharmaceutical services in Hackney and publishing a pharmaceutical needs assessment

See the health and wellbeing board’s meeting dates, agendas and papers.

Who sits on the health and wellbeing board?

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 sets out a minimum membership of:

  • one local councillor
  • a representative of the local Healthwatch
  • a representative of the local integrated care board
  • the local authority director for adult social services
  • the local authority director for children’s services
  • the director of public health for the local authority

Hackney Health and Wellbeing Board has widened its membership to adopt a ‘Health in all policies’ approach to the board’s work and help to reduce health inequalities. The membership includes colleagues who work in health and care, Healthwatch, pharmacies, VCS, housing, education, community safety, employment and the built environment.

Board members

  • Dr Stephanie Coughlin (Co-Chair), Clinical Director (City and Hackney Place Based Partnership)
  • Cllr Christopher Kennedy (Co-Chair), Cabinet Member for Health, Adult Social Care, Voluntary Sector and Culture (Hackney Council)
  • Cllr Anntoinette Bramble, Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Education, Young People and Children’s Social Care (Hackney Council)
  • Louise Ashely, Chief Executive (Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust)
  • Jacquie Burke, Group Director, Children and Education (Hackney Council)
  • DCS James Conway, Borough Commander (Metropolitan Police Service)
  • Mary Clark, Director of Nursing and Corporate Development (GP Confederation)
  • Cllr Susan Fajana-Thomas, Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Regulatory Services (Hackney Council)
  • Nina Griffith, Director of Delivery (City and Hackney Place Based Partnership)
  • Frances Haste, VCS Leadership Group (Hackney VCS)
  • Stephen Haynes, Strategic Director, Inclusive Economy, Corporate Policy and New Homes (Hackney Council)
  • Dr Sandra Husbands, Director of Public Health (City and Hackney)
  • Rosemary Jawara, VCS Leadership Group (Hackney VCS)
  • Dalveer Johal, Pharmacy Support Manager (City and Hackney Local Pharmaceutical Committee)
  • Andreas Lambrianou, CEO (GP Confederation)
  • Chris Lovitt, Deputy Director of Public Health (City and Hackney)
  • Jessica Lubin, Director of Health Transformation (Hackney Council for Voluntary Service)
  • James O’ONeil, Borough Commander (London Fire Brigade)
  • Paul Senior, Interim Director of Education (Hackney Council)
  • Shilpa Shah, Chief Officer (City and Hackney Local Pharmaceutical Committee)
  • Dr Kathleen Wenaden, Clinical Director for Primary Care Network (NHS – Primary Care Network)
  • Cllr Carole Williams, Cabinet Member for Employment, Human Resources and Equalities (Hackney Council)
  • Helen Woodland, Group Director, Adults, Health and Integration (Hackney Council)
  • Jim Gamble, Chair (Safeguarding Children Board)
  • Adi Cooper, Chair (Safeguarding Adult Board)

Submit a question to the board

Members of the public can submit questions to the Health and Wellbeing Board.

If you wish to submit a question to the board, email your question to by 12 noon, 10 clear working days before the Health and Wellbeing Board meeting.

A question may be rejected if:

  • it’s not about a matter for which the board has a responsibility, or which affects the borough
  • it’s defamatory, frivolous or offensive
  • it’s substantially the same as a question, motion or deputation which has been put at a meeting to the board in the past 6 months
  • it requires the disclosure of confidential or exempt information
  • the question relates to an individual planning or licensing application

If your submitted question is appropriate we will then write to you and invite you to attend the meeting (these are now taking place remotely via Google Meet) and ask your question.

If you are not able to attend the meeting we will provide you with a written response.

Annual report of the director of public health for City and Hackney

See annual report summary 2023 to 2024 (PDF 1.4mb).

See annual report 2023 to 2024 (PDF 4.2mb).

See annual report 2020 to 2021 (PDF 5.7mb).

See annual report 2019 to 2020 (PDF 2mb).

See annual report  2018 to 2019 (PDF 4mb).

Developing our local health and wellbeing strategy

Every local health and wellbeing board has a duty to produce a health and wellbeing strategy.

We have finalised Hackney’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2022 to 2026. This sets out the health and wellbeing priorities in Hackney over the next four years.

Previous Health and Wellbeing Strategies

See Hackney Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2015-2018 (PDF 2.4mb)

Page updated on: 8 May 2024

Hackney Health and Wellbeing Board


Room 137
Hackney Town Hall
Mare Street
E8 1EA
