Also called a deputation, your speech can be on any topic that we have the power to act on. It is an opportunity to lobby about a shared concern and make a specific request for action.
Any individual, organisation or group can make a request to speak at cabinet, or full council.
You must request it in writing before the meeting – summarising your points including what action you want us to take.
The elected Mayor of Hackney is the political leader of the council. The mayor appoints a number of councillors to be cabinet councillors and mayoral advisors. Together, the mayor and cabinet councillors are known as the cabinet.
Any person or organisation can request to speak, but your request is only accepted if it’s:
signed by 10 or more Hackney residents
supported by a Councillor who will introduce it
Read the frequently asked questions before submitting your speech.
Speak at full council
Full council comprises the elected mayor and 57 councillors. It’s the political focal point for the council and is responsible for setting the overall corporate direction.
Any person or organisation can request to speak, but your request is only accepted if it’s:
signed by 10 or more Hackney residents
supported by a Councillor who will introduce it
Read the frequently asked questions before submitting your speech.
Frequently asked questions
How much notice is needed to submit a deputation?
You must submit your deputation no later than 12pm eight clear working days before the meeting.
Consider submitting your deputation well in advance of the deadline so that there is an opportunity to resolve any issues with the submission.
We hold cabinet meetings on a Monday, so this means that you must submit your deputation no later than 12pm on the Wednesday two calendar weeks before the meeting.
Full Council
We hold full council meetings on a Wednesday, so this means you must submit your deputation no later than 12pm on the Thursday two calendar weeks before the meeting.
Are there any rules about deputations?
Yes. Other than the rules as to who can submit a deputation set out above, a deputation may not be accepted from or on behalf of political parties. Similarly, it will not be accepted if it bears the name, logo or other identifying mark of a political party.
A deputation may not be accepted if it:
is not about a matter for which the local authority has a responsibility, or which affects the Borough
is defamatory, frivolous or offensive
is substantially the same as a question, motion or deputation which has been put at a meeting of full council or cabinet in the past six months
requires the disclosure of confidential or exempt information
relates to an individual planning or licensing application
We take no more than one deputation at each cabinet meeting.
We take no more than two deputations at each full council meeting.
You can find out what questions, motions or deputations have been considered by contacting
What happens next?
After you have submitted your deputation, a member of staff will contact you to advise whether or not it has been accepted.
If your deputation has been accepted, you will be advised where on the agenda your deputation will be taken and the protocol for presenting it at the meeting.
If your deputation has not been accepted, you will be advised of the reason(s) why and whether or not it is appropriate to refer it to another committee.
What will you do with my personal information when I submit a deputation?
You are not obliged to provide your contact details, but we will be unable to process your deputation without them.
Your name will be published on the agenda papers and will be provided to the person to whom your deputation is addressed. Your address and the other contact details will only be used by the council to enable us to check that you are entitled to submit the deputation, that the 10 residents named are in fact residents of the borough and to contact you with regards to that deputation. If you are unhappy with the handling of your data you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office.
We livestream our council meetings, meaning that you will appear on our YouTube channel. We keep recordings of council meetings on our channel for approximately two years before removing and archiving them.