Air quality and climate change

Many sources of air pollution are also sources of high CO2 emissions, such as fossil fuels used in vehicles or power generation. Most of our actions to improve air quality will also help to mitigate climate change through reducing carbon emissions, and vice versa.

The effects of climate change on air quality are complex. However, we can expect hotter, drier weather to lead to an increase in high pollution episodes, in particular higher levels of particulate matter and ozone.

To find out more about our climate action see Greener Hackney.


Green spaces

Hackney is one of the greenest boroughs in London with 58 parks and green spaces totalling 282 hectares.

Green spaces help tackle climate change by absorbing harmful CO2 emissions. While local air pollutants such as NO2 and particulate matter don’t get absorbed by vegetation in the same way, vegetation can block or trap harmful pollutants.

We have committed to improving green spaces throughout the borough and are rolling out our tree planting programme where 30,000 trees are being planted across the borough.

5,000 of these trees will be street trees, planted in urban areas where air pollution is highest. Planting trees and improving green spaces can provide a more attractive environment for walking and cycling so can indirectly reduce emissions from transport.

Find out more about our parks and green spaces initiatives.

Green screens

Green screens are made up of vegetation such as ivy and act as a barrier between people and pollution sources such as roads.

When planning green screens, Hackney will refer to a report produced by the GLA on the effective use of green screens to protect people from air pollution.

So far Hackney has used green screens to reduce air pollution at schools including St Mary’s Church of England and Grasmere Primary School.

See our air quality action plan for more details on how we are improving air quality across the borough.

Page updated on: 27 November 2023

Land, Air, Water


Hackney Service Centre
1 Hillman Street
E8 1DY


Opening times

  • Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm. Contact us to book an appointment.