Find out if you need planning permission
Part of Make a planning application
A certain level of work can be done to your house without requiring submission of a planning application. This development is called permitted development.
Check if your project needs planning permission
It’s likely you will need planning permission if you’re:
- building something new
- extending or altering a building used as flats or a commercial building
- changing the use of all or part of a building
Some types of development do not need planning permission. We call this ‘permitted development’.
The Planning Portal website has guidance on planning permission for common projects. For example, loft conversions and smaller single storey house extensions.
You can also check planning permission guidance for different property types.
How to get proof that your development is legal
You can apply for a lawful development certificate. This will confirm your building work is permitted development.
It costs £129 for householders. We will then issue a certificate within 8 weeks.
This is not the same as planning permission but is proof that your household building work is legal.
Larger home extensions
Legislation now allows the building of larger single-storey rear extensions. The new size limits are subject to a neighbour consultation scheme. You must provide the information in the prior approval checklist.
Changing buildings from office to residential use
You can change some buildings from office to residential use without planning permission. This depends on where the property is in Hackney.
View map showing office to residential use areas
You will need prior approval covering:
- flooding
- highways
- transport issues
- contamination
Prior approval means an applicant has to get an agreement from the council. This states which parts of the development are acceptable before work can proceed.
It is likely any development work to a flat needs planning permission. The
Planning Portal website has guidance on planning permission for flats.
Conservation areas
Planning permission rules are different if your property is in a conservation area.
Find out if your property or site is in a conservation area.
Green homes
You can go green in your homes. The information below outlines a few common developments householders are interested in.
If you are proposing works or developments not mentioned below, please contact the duty planner to determine whether planning permission is required.
Planning duty desk
Opening times
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9am to 5pm (telephone)
- Wednesday – 9am to 4pm (telephone)