Children and young people scrutiny commission

The children and young people scrutiny commission focuses on all services provided by Hackney Education and Schools, as well as children’s social services and other issues relating to young people in the borough.

Children and young people scrutiny committees are expected to co-opt faith representatives and parent governor representatives, in addition to Councillors on the commission. To fully represent Hackney’s demographics, we have also invited co-optees from the Free Church Group of Churches Together in England, and the Orthodox Jewish and Muslim communities, as well as Hackney School Governors Association and the Hackney Youth Parliament.


Full work programme and meetings

You can view the children and young people scrutiny commission’s full work programme for the year on the agenda for each meeting of the commission.

One-off items

In addition to its review work, the Commission uses its time to look at other topics which it feels may benefit from its attention. These one-off items are usually explored within a single meeting. Since June 2015 the following one-off item has been scrutinised:

This is an assessment of a counselling initiative delivered in Hackney and some other areas, found that the programme had helped to identify and support a number of victims of child sexual exploitation, some of whom were not already known to statutory services. Members wanted to hear more about this, by way of a panel discussion with officers and organisations involved with the initiative.

Regular update items

The commission also hears regular updates on a number of items. Since June 2015 the following updates have been received:

Previous reviews

Outcomes of school exclusions in Hackney 2018/19

In June 2018 it was agreed that the commission would conduct a review of the outcomes for children and young people who have been excluded from school in Hackney.

Excluded children and young people are some of the most vulnerable in our community and therefore it should be a priority for the Council as an education authority to ensure the best possible outcomes for this cohort.

This review proposes that the commission undertakes a review of the outcomes for children and young people who have been excluded from school in Hackney by looking at the destinations of excluded pupils, where they are, and their outcomes.

Our scrutiny review is timely as it would help ascertain whether the local authority is prepared for the proposed changes in legislation and expectations around alternative provision.

Childcare – The introduction of extended (30-hour) free childcare in Hackney 2017/18

Recruitment and retention of foster carers in Hackney 2017/18

Investigation into unregistered educational settings in Hackney 2016/17

Hackney – a place for every child and young person 2015/16

A review of school exclusions 2015/16

Improving outcomes in the early years 2014

Careers education, information, advice and guidance 2013/14

Community use of school facilities 2013/14

Youth homelessness 12/13

Childhood obesity 12/13

The Council’s role in the new education environment 11/12

Support for young carers 11/12

Reviews 2005-10

Page updated on: 4 December 2024

Overview and Scrutiny


2nd Floor
Hackney Town Hall
Mare Street
E8 1EA


Opening times

  • Mon to Fri, 9am - 5pm