London Fields

London Fields is one of Hackney’s most popular parks. It’s classified as common land due to its history as a site for grazing animals and moving them to market at Smithfield. The park’s large grassy spaces are surrounded by London Plane trees. The park holds a Green Flag award – an award given annually to the best green spaces in the country.

To learn more about how the park will be managed over the coming year read our management plan (PDF 27mb)


Park depot improvements

We plan to improve the park depot at London Fields, which sits next door to the London Fields Lido. We are proposing to build a ground level extension to the rear of the building. It will be contained within the existing yard area of the depot. The extension will provide a secure, good quality workspace. It will also have welfare facilities for the team that maintains the park and its surrounding green spaces.

As London Fields is classified as common land, we’re applying for permission to undertake the works from the Secretary of State. You can comment on the proposals by writing to the Planning Inspectorate at The consultation period ends on 29 July 2024.

View the application for Common Land consent along with its supporting documents:


Barbecue use at London Fields is not permitted.


London Fields paddling pool

We had to close the paddling pool in London Fields in 2020. It had come to the end of its life in its existing form. It could not continue to operate safely given its popularity.

We’ve submitted a planning application for the proposed development of a new teaching pool on the old paddling pool site as part of London Fields Lido. We will provide further information once we get planning approval.

Booking the facilities

View book courts and pitches


London Fields is licensed for plays, showing films, live music, recorded music and dance performances. Find out more about holding events in parks.

Love London Fields – litter and recycling

Please recycle your bottles and cans in the bins at the entrances to the park, take any non-recyclable rubbish with you when you leave and pick up your cigarette butts and bottle tops. Please also respect local residents by keeping noise to a minimum after dark.

London Fields user group

The LFUG is a group of local residents and park users who work with us to maintain and improve the quality of the park and its facilities. They also look at sports provision, nature conservation and biodiversity. Follow LFUG on Facebook. Contact the group at


Dogs are not allowed in the play area or sports facilities. If your dogs are behaving aggressively or causing damage, or are out of your control, council officers have the power to request that you put them on leads. More information on dogs in parks.

Grow Back Greener Fund

The 2022 Grow Back Greener Fund has awarded £2m to 56 community projects across London to:

  • plant trees to provide shade
  • create and enhance green space
  • increase climate resilience

In partnership with London Fields User Group, we recently received some money from the Grow Back Greener Fund to improve the biodiversity offer across two areas of London Fields.

The project will significantly improve biodiversity and opportunities for ecology education, research and volunteering.

In the North East area of the park, we will improve a woodland area currently managed for wildlife and used as a green classroom. We’ll use the grant to:

  • enhance hedging
  • plant more to support biodiversity
  • create habitats for various wildlife
  • maximise the site’s usage as a green classroom

In the South West area, we’ll transform an under-utilised space to boost biodiversity. We’ll create various habitats such as:

  • wetland
  • meadow
  • woodland
  • wood-edge
  • post-industrial areas

We’ll add planting around the edges to increase habitat and reduce disturbance.

A path into the area will allow access, and encourage use by young people as an ecology teaching resource. This is a significant gain for biodiversity since the park currently lacks a permanent habitat or water source like this.

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Page updated on: 27 June 2024

London Fields Park


London Fields Westside
E8 3EU


  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9am to 5pm, Wednesday – 9am to 4pm
    020 8356 3000

Opening times

  • 24 hours a day