Low traffic neighbourhoods

In Hackney, we’ve introduced 19 low traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs) since 2020. This was aimed at supporting people to walk, cycle and shop locally and helping to rebuild a greener Hackney after the pandemic. 

Now over 70% of eligible roads in Hackney are covered by a low traffic zone. This is 50% of the total area of Hackney and more than any other London borough. 

You can find out more about why this is important by watching our low traffic neighbourhoods YouTube video.


How low traffic neighbourhoods work 

Low traffic neighbourhoods work by closing roads to through-traffic at specific points, known as traffic filters. In Hackney, these are usually marked by planters in the road. Cyclists, emergency vehicles and waste vehicles are permitted to pass through. In addition, Blue Badge holders are permitted to drive through some of the filters. 

This means that, while all addresses are accessible by car, through-traffic is reduced, creating cleaner, quieter and greener neighbourhoods.  

Map of low traffic neighbourhoods

Background of low traffic neighbourhoods

A large proportion of CO2 emissions in Hackney are generated by road transport, despite low car ownership of 30%. Motor vehicles are also a significant contributor to local air pollution. 

Low traffic neighbourhoods help to reduce traffic and emissions by encouraging people to switch to walking, cycling or public transport. This is crucial if we’re to reduce our reliance on road transport and tackle climate change.

Effect on traffic and air quality

Averages across our four biggest schemes show traffic reductions of 38% inside LTNs and 2% on boundary roads. Looking at the total number of vehicles across all four areas, these reductions are greater, with 56% reductions in traffic inside LTNs, and a 5% reduction on boundary roads.

We have been assessing the air quality impact of our LTNs. This shows reductions in pollution levels. Across all LTNs and surrounding areas, there are reductions in nitrogen dioxide at 329 of 388 locations.

LTNs change behaviour

LTNs are encouraging people to switch to active travel. In a representative poll of 800 local residents carried out by an independent polling company, a quarter of residents report being encouraged to increase the amount of walking, running and cycling they do as a result of the LTNs. 

In the London Fields low traffic neighbourhood, cycling rates have increased significantly – with cycling up by between 11% and 57% on Richmond Road and Middleton Road. 

Listening to feedback and making changes

We continue to listen to feedback about our low traffic neighbourhoods. 

We have made a significant number of changes to our low traffic neighbourhoods as a result of feedback from local people, including: 

  • introducing exemptions for Blue Badge holders from bus gates on Shepherdess Walk, Downs Road, Richmond Road and Stoke Newington Church Street
  • consulting with residents on plans to reduce traffic in Northwold Road in the Hackney Downs low traffic neighbourhood, and addressing issues on Benthal Road, Jenner Road, Queensdown Road and Cricketfield Road
  • introducing new live traffic monitors across the borough to monitor changes in traffic patterns
  • carrying out engagement on further measures in specific roads in the London Fields LTN, including: Laurel Street, Forest Road, Beechwood Road, Fassett Square and Whiston Road.

You can email streetscene.enquiries@hackney.gov.uk with any comments.

Making sure LTNs are fair

We’re committed to making sure our LTNs are fair. A recent study showed that people in Hackney’s LTNs are more likely to be in the more deprived half of the population than in the affluent half. 

Additionally, between 40 to 50% of households in these neighbourhoods live in social housing.

Traffic filter exemption for disabled car-dependent people

We listened to feedback from residents and groups representing disabled people and created the HAC01 permit.

The HAC01 permit exempts disabled, car-dependent people from traffic filters on the borough’s main roads. This aims to reduce the negative impacts related to longer journey times. Currently, the following car users are eligible for this exemption:

  • Blue Badge holders living in Hackney 
  • taxis when transporting Taxicard holders 
  • organisational Blue Badge holders or Section 22 permit holders
  • in exceptional circumstances, Hackney residents with a Blue Badge application showing a physical or hidden disability that makes it hard to sit in a vehicle for a long time, even if they don’t qualify for the full benefits of a Blue Badge
  • Blue Badge holders from outside Hackney who can show that they need regular access to the borough’s streets
  • vehicles used by funeral directors to transport the deceased, such as hearses and private ambulances

Read the delegated powers decision reports:

Applying for the HAC01 permit

View the HAC01 permit terms and conditions (google doc).

Traffic filters covered by the HAC01 permit

The HAC01 permit allows holders to drive through any traffic filters marked with ‘HAC01’ on the sign. These filters are located at:

  • Stoke Newington Church Street
  • Shepherdess Walk
  • Downs Road
  • Richmond Road (between Greenwood Road and Eleanor Road)
  • Lansdowne Drive (between Croston Street and Trederwen Road)

See these restrictions on a map

Why disabled residents are not exempt from all Hackney’s low traffic neighbourhood filters

The exemption policy for our low traffic neighbourhoods aims to help car-dependent people with disabilities travel around the borough. It also aims to keep good conditions for:

  • walking
  • cycling
  • public transport

We selected the restrictions chosen for the HAC01 permit exemption because they create significant detours for car users. Other LTN filters in Hackney are mostly on residential-only roads and create shorter detours for car users.

Allowing more vehicles to pass through LTN filters on residential roads would compromise the conditions already created for walking, cycling, and public transport. It would only offer small journey time improvements for car users. That’s why we only allow emergency service vehicles and Hackney refuse vehicles to drive through all of Hackney’s LTN restrictions.

If you have any questions about the HAC01 permit or application, you can call us on 020 8356 3000 or email parking.enforcement@hackney.gov.uk.

Emergency services access low traffic neighbourhoods 

We consult with the emergency services before implementing low traffic neighbourhoods. Most filters are camera-enforced so the emergency services can drive straight through.

Equalities impact assessments

All of the low traffic neighbourhoods and school streets we’ve introduced are subject to equalities impact assessments.

See the evidence base used to guide these assessments (google docs).

Page updated on: 26 February 2025