Hackney Community Strategy Partnership

The Hackney Community Strategy Partnership is our local strategic partnership board. It ensures that we, and the organisations that work with us, are working towards our collective vision for Hackney.

We consider the whole borough and work across organisations, to looking at the big challenges are that no single organisation or partnership can solve on its own, and work towards solving them together.

The board aims to:

  • set clear priorities for how our partners work towards the vision set out in the community strategy and review them every year
  • work out what our partners need to do to achieve our joint aims, and influence and shape the agendas for formal partnerships when needed
  • enable businesses, voluntary and community organisations and residents to play their part in delivering our priorities for Hackney



The board membership is made up of key officers from the Council and our key local partner agencies eg the police and representatives from the business and voluntary sectors:

  • Mayor Philip Glanville, Mayor of Hackney (Chair)
  • Cllr Anntoinette Bramble, Deputy Mayor and Cabinet member for education, young people and children’s social care
  • Cllr Guy Nicholson, Deputy Mayor for housing supply, planning, culture and inclusive economy
  • Cllr Christopher Kennedy, Cabinet member for health, adult social care and leisure
  • Cllr Susan Fajana-Thomas, Cabinet Member for community safety
  • Cllr Carole Williams, Cabinet member for employment, skills and human resources
  • Ian Williams, acting chief executive/group director finance and resources, Hackney Council
  • Ajman Ali, group director, neighbourhoods and housing, Hackney Council
  • Jacquie Burke, group director children and education, Hackney Council
  • Helen Woodland, group director adults, health and integration Hackney Council
  • Dr Sandra Husbands, director of public health, Hackney Council
  • Gerry McDonald, principal of New City College (Education, employment and skills)
  • Siobhan Harper, managing director, North East London Clinical Commissioning Group (Health and wellbeing)
  • Jim Gamble, chair of City and Hackney Safeguarding Children Partnership
  • Adi Cooper, chair of City and Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board
  • Marcus Barnett, Metropolitan Police base commander and co-chair of the Hackney Community Safety Partnership
  • Patsy Francis, senior advisor UBS UK, business sector
  • Jake Ferguson, chief executive Hackney CVS, voluntary sector providers

The community strategy partnership board meets three times each year.


March 2021

October 2020

June 2020

October 2019

January 2019

February 2018

Community partnerships in Hackney

We are proud of the innovative and successful work done in recent years by Hackney’s excellent local partnership boards and its community networks, such as the Young Black Men Programme, the Integrated Gangs Unit, our local safeguarding boards and the integrated commissioning of local health and care services. Our approach to the big issues we face continues to be built on the successes and learning from this collaboration.

Local community partnership boards

Other community partnership work

Team Hackney

Team Hackney was Hackney’s previous local strategic partnership. It was established over ten years ago and was relaunched in April 2013 with a fresh set of principles, a new way of assessing progress and a more coordinated approach to community insight. It builds on the very strong partnership ethos which has been established and maintained in recent years.

December 2015

June 2015

February 2015

November 2014

Team Hackney annual partnership event 2014

January 2014

November 2013 – young black men workshop

July 2013

Hackney: the next chapter

In June 2013 Team Hackney organised an event to consider the key trends and challenges facing the borough: Hackney: the next chapter. It identified shared issues and proposed solutions and actions so that residents can  benefit from the opportunities available locally.

Page updated on: 8 June 2022

Team Hackney – putting people first
