City and Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board

7 min read

People should be able to live a life free from harm in communities that are intolerant of abuse, work together to prevent abuse and know what to do when it happens.


What is the Safeguarding Adults Board?

The board is a multi-agency partnership which has a statutory function under the Care Act 2014. The main objective of the board is to ensure that local safeguarding arrangements are in place and organisations safeguard adults at risk of abuse in City and Hackney. 

Under the Care Act 2014, the Board has three main duties:

  • to publish a strategy, which tells people what our priorities are and how we will meet them
  • to publish an annual report focusing on our achievements and how well we have implemented our strategy 
  • to conduct Safeguarding Adults Reviews where someone has died or suffered serious harm as a result of abuse or neglect

In order to meet these objectives the board acts as follows:

  • agrees and reviews multi-agency City and Hackney safeguarding adults policy and procedure for protecting vulnerable adults, taking into account statutory requirements, national guidance and London regional policies
  • maintains an annual business plan, setting priorities for preventing and addressing abuse of vulnerable adults, and produces and disseminates an annual report
  • monitors incidents of abuse and neglect, reviews trends and acts where appropriate to improve services and support to vulnerable adults
  • regularly evaluates how agencies and providers safeguard vulnerable adults, by introducing rigorous quality assurance and scrutiny systems across partner agencies
  • agrees a serious case review protocol and reviews and learns from situations where safeguarding arrangements may have been inadequate
  • maintains a programme of training and development on safeguarding vulnerable adults for staff across agencies in the statutory, independent provider and voluntary sectors
  • develops and promotes arrangements for adults at risk and carers to be well-informed about safeguarding arrangements and provide opportunities for service users and carers to influence and feedback on their effectiveness
  • promotes public awareness of safeguarding as an issue for all citizens and engage the wider community in helping to prevent abuse and neglect and to report where they have concerns

Who sits on the board?

The Board is chaired by an Independent Chair.

The board has 3 core partners: the local authority, the integrated care board and the police. It also includes many other partners, such as:

  • health trusts
  • advocacy service
  • criminal justice
  • fire brigade
  • Department of Work and Pensions
  • voluntary sector services

The work of the board

The Board’s objectives are outlined in our strategy which identifies our aims for the next five years.

The annual strategic plan identifies the work that the board will undertake for the financial year, whilst our annual report outlines how well we met our objectives. 

You can find out more about the Board and its work by viewing:

Get involved in the board’s work

Peer-to-Peer Supporters is a new project being launched by the Safeguarding Adults Board and The Advocacy Project. We are looking for members of the community living in either City or Hackney who may have care and support needs or direct links with people with care and support needs, for example you are a member or volunteer of a community group or a carer, to become supporters.

Useful contacts



Board resources

The board has different resources for residents living in the City and Hackney.

If you would like any of our leaflets in an easy read version or a different language, contact:

Information and forms for professionals

Policy and procedures

Statutory guidance

The statutory guidance provides a framework from which safeguarding can be implemented.

The following information can support staff, in exercising their duties in respect of safeguarding:

London-wide arrangements

The London Multi-Agency Adult Safeguarding Policy and Procedures is a best practice document created by safeguarding leads in London.

It helps support practitioners to practically carry out their safeguarding duties:

City and Hackney safeguarding protocols and procedures

The Board has created a number of protocols and policies to support staff to respond to safeguarding issues that you may see in your practice:

Awareness raising

The Board has a number of resources to help build awareness of adult safeguarding.

These resources may be useful for services users too:

Page updated on: 3 March 2025

City and Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board (CHSAB)


1 Hillman Street
Hackney Service Centre
E8 1DY

