Safeguarding resources
If you’re concerned about an adult or if you’re experiencing harm
If the person you’re concerned about lives in Hackney:
Report a concern about an adult living in Hackney
If the person you’re concerned about lives in the City:
- call 020 7332 1224
- email
Coronavirus (Covid-19) and safeguarding
- safeguarding adults information leaflet (PDF 459kb)
- keep safe from financial abuse – always check (PDF 372kb)
- hands off my money A3 poster (PDF 429kb)
- hands off my money A4 poster (PDF 407kb)
- Advocacy Project – safeguarding best practice during Covid-19 (PDF 999kb)
- Waltham Forest safeguarding for volunteers
- LGA FAQs on Covid-19 and safeguarding (PDF 300kb)
- SCIE safeguarding adults
- trading standards information on scams
- 39 Essex Chambers rapid response guidance note: testing for Covid-19 and mental capacity (PDF 292kb)
- Ann Craft Trust – safeguarding and coronavirus info and tips
Statutory guidance
- Care Act statutory guidance
- Mental Capacity Act code of practice
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards code of practice
London wide arrangements
Policies and protocols
- Care Act 2014 –
- care and support statutory guidance – GOV.UK
- City and Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board escalation protocol (PDF 108kb)
- Hackney adult social care safeguarding protocol (PDF 319kb)
- high-risk panels (google doc)
- high-risk panel information sharing agreement (PDF 107kb)
- high-risk panel TOR (PDF 118kb)
- high-risk panel referral form (google doc)
- London adult safeguarding policy and procedures – National Network
- protocol for multi agency risk assessment conference (PDF 165kb)
- safeguarding adult reviews guidance and protocol
- self neglect and hoarding – local practice guidance and toolkit (google doc)
- staff guide to sexuality, intimacy, consent and relationships (PDF 2mb)
- safeguarding adults roles and responsibilities in health and care services (PDF 311kb)
Learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARS)
The SARs identified the need:
- To share Information to safeguard people
- For a robust coordinated risk assessment
- The need for a case coordinator approach in complex cases
- For improved understanding and compliance with MCA
- Better practice in managing Pressure Ulcer Care
- To make safeguarding personal, taking into account the person’s history and also their relationships
- To better understand of self-neglect and responses to service refusal
- To involve people who are interested in the person’s welfare
- To improve legal literacy
Agencies and staff should evaluate themselves against these findings to identify support needed to improve in these areas.
- Learning from SARS (Autumn 2017) combined presentation (PDF 531kb)
- Learning from SARS (Autumn 2017) leaders’ presentation (PDF 502kb)
- Ms Q briefing presentation (PDF 74kb)
- Briefing for practitioners – Analysis of Safeguarding Adults Reviews
The City and Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board (CHSAB) commissions multi-agency training in response to learning needs identified by partner agencies. To access the training, visit CHSCP events.
Free courses
OpenLearn by Open University:
- Changing law – mental capacity legislation
- Human rights and law (intro)
- Modern slavery (intro)
- Social care, social work and the law (intermediate)
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE):
Raising awareness
- hands off my money A3 poster (PDF 429kb)
- hands off my money A4 poster (PDF 407kb)
- keep safe from financial abuse – always check (PDF 372kb)
- modern slavery awareness and victim identification guidance – GOV.UK
- safeguarding adults leaflet (PDF 459kb)
- safeguarding adults pocket guide (PDF 101kb)
- safeguarding adults videos on social care TV – YouTube
Making safeguarding personal resources
Page updated on: 3 March 2025
City and Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board (CHSAB)
1 Hillman Street
Hackney Service Centre
E8 1DY