Safeguarding resources

Coronavirus (Covid-19) and safeguarding

Statutory guidance

London wide arrangements

Policies and protocols

Learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARS)

The SARs identified the need:

  1. To share Information to safeguard people
  2. For a robust coordinated risk assessment
  3. The need for  a case coordinator approach in complex cases
  4. For improved understanding and compliance with MCA
  5. Better practice in managing Pressure Ulcer Care
  6. To make safeguarding personal, taking into account the person’s history and also their relationships
  7. To better understand of self-neglect and responses to service refusal
  8. To involve people who are interested in the person’s welfare
  9. To improve legal literacy

Agencies and staff should evaluate themselves against these findings to identify support needed to improve in these areas.


The City and Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board (CHSAB) commissions multi-agency training in response to learning needs identified by partner agencies. To access the training, visit CHSCP events.

Free courses

OpenLearn by Open University:

Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE):

Raising awareness

Making safeguarding personal resources

Page updated on: 3 March 2025

City and Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board (CHSAB)


1 Hillman Street
Hackney Service Centre
E8 1DY

