Modern day slavery

Modern slavery is an umbrella term encompassing slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking.

Victims of modern slavery are unable to leave their situation of exploitation, controlled by threats, punishment, violence, coercion and deception.

Slavery violates human rights, denying people of their right to life, freedom and security. Modern slavery is said to be ‘hidden in plain sight’ and many of us will have unknowingly seen the victims, perpetrators or effects of slavery in our day-to-day life.

Despite this modern slavery is difficult to identify and we still have a lot to learn about the nature of modern slavery in Hackney.


Hackney’s commitment to tackling modern day slavery (MDS)

The Council has signed up to The Co-operative Party’s Charter against modern slavery to ensure we are proactively ensuring modern slavery does not exist in our supply chain.

We are committed to ensuring that everyone should ‘be able to live a safe and happy life free from slavery and exploitation in all its forms’.

We have 4 main aims in relation to modern slavery:

  • to tackle modern slavery through strong leadership and effective partnerships
  • to raise awareness of modern day slavery
  • to identify and support victims of modern slavery
  • to pursue perpetrators of modern slavery

To ensure that we meet these aims we have developed the modern slavery inter-board strategy August 2019 and the modern slavery and human trafficking statement April 2021 -March 2022.

This sets out the specific actions that we will take to meet our aims and protect residents of Hackney.

Types of modern slavery

There are many types of modern slavery however slavery typically falls under one of the following categories:

Who is affected?

Anyone can be a victim of modern slavery and there is no typical profile for a victim.

In the UK, victims were found to be men, women and children of all ages, ethnicities and nationalities.

It was found that slavery was more prevalent among those who were the most vulnerable in society, because they were either socially excluded or belonged to minority groups.


There are lots of signs that a person may be living in slavery, this includes:

  • someone may appear under control of someone else and may be unwilling to engage with others
  • they may have few belongings on them and have no personal identification
  • a person may be dropped off or collected for work at unusual times and may have limited freedom to do what they want
  • there may be many people living in a house that is only suitable for a small number of people
  • a person may appear unkempt or not suitably dressed for an occasion for example work or cold weather
  • someone may appear frightened, withdrawn, or show signs of physical or psychological abuse.

For children and young people, the following signs are seen in children who are already being exploited:

  • missing from home or care
  • absent from school for whole of part days
  • sexually-transmitted infection(s) / injuries causes by sexual activity / pregnancy and termination(s)
  • recruiting others into exploitative situations
  • evidence of sexual bullying and / or vulnerability through the internet and / or social networking sites
  • involvement in offending
  • receipt of gifts and money from unknown sources
  • physical injuries
  • drug or alcohol misuse
  • change in physical appearance
  • estranged from their family
  • poor mental health / self-harm / thoughts of or attempts at suicide

More information about exploitation and vulnerable adolescents is available from the City & Hackney Safeguarding Children Partnership.

What to do if you suspect slavery

If you suspect that someone is living in slavery, then it is important that you do not confront or approach them as this could cause more harm.

The police should always be contacted in the first instance, on 999 in emergencies or 101 in other situations.

The following organisations can also be contacted:

  • for concerns about children under 18: 0208 356 5500 or
  • for concerns about adults: Information and Assessment team on 0208 356 6262 or the Safeguarding Adults team on 0208 356 5782
  • Modern Day Slavery Helpline: 08000 121 700
  • Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority: 0800 432 0804 or email:
  • Crimestoppers: 0800 555 111
  • The Salvation Army: 0300 303 8151

People on Health and Care Worker visas’

If you arrived in the UK on a Health and Care Worker visa and suspect you are a victim of modern day slavery, you can get help and advice. You may be a victim if you came to the UK on this visa and any of the following describe your experience after arriving in the UK:

  • you’ve been asked to pay or repay high fees to your visa sponsor
  • you are working for very low wages and/or in poor conditions
  • you are not working in the job promised to you or the job promised does not exist
  • any of the types of modern day slavery listed apply to you

Many organisations can refer you through the National Referral Mechanism. This will ensure you receive appropriate support. The police, the Salvation Army, other charities, or a council can refer you.

For a list of organisations you can contact for help if you suspect you are a victim, see What to do if you suspect slavery.


Page updated on: 28 November 2024