Help with the rising cost of living
We’ve created a guide: cost of living support guide (PDF 820kb)
It covers support announced by us, the government and others.
This page outlines some of the support in the guide.
If you are facing debt or rent arrears, do not be tempted to approach a loan shark or take a payday loan. Our staff can help you manage your accounts and help and advise on benefits and dealing with debt.
If you are struggling, contact us as soon as possible, on 0208 356 3100.
Fair Money Advice provides free debt and money advice sessions at Dalston CLR James Library every two weeks on a Thursday.
To book a free appointment call Fair Money Advice on 0203 475 8811 or email
You can use a benefits calculator to check you are claiming everything you should be. If you’re an older person use the Age UK benefits calculator.
We can also check you’re receiving all the benefits you’re entitled to and help you claim, through Hackney Here to Help.
If you’re not sure about your entitlements, moving from old style benefits to Universal Credit, or want to get help making a claim, you can get help through Hackney Here to Help.
If you need support completing the form a member of staff can help you at the Hackney Service Centre,1 Hillman St, London E8 1DY.
You can also call us on 0208 356 3111.
If you are over the state pension age and on a low income, you can get help, such as:
- housing benefit
- support for mortgage
- interest payments
- Council Tax discount
- help with NHS dental treatment
- help with heating costs
If you can’t claim pension credit online you can:
- call – 0800 99 1234
- textphone – 0800 169 0133
- Relay UK (if you cannot hear or speak on the phone) – 18001 then 0800 99 1234
Many benefits are now paid directly into a bank or credit union account, including housing benefits.
We can help you to access banking facilities. See Citizens Advice – getting a bank account, or call us on 0208 356 3399.
The National Data Bank is giving free mobile data to people who can’t afford their internet connection.
To find out if you’re eligible, visit Good Things Foundation – National Databank.
If you’re expecting your first child the Sure Start Grant can help. You could be eligible for a one-off payment of £500 to help towards the cost of having a child.
To find out how to apply for the grant and for more information, visit GOV.UK – Sure Start Maternity Grant.
The NHS provides help with health costs for residents on low incomes.
This includes support with:
- NHS prescriptions
- NHS dental treatment
- sight tests
- glasses and contact lenses
- travel to receive NHS treatment
- NHS wigs and fabric supports
To see if you are eligible, visit NHS Low Income Scheme (LIS).
If you need help with childcare costs there are many types of financial help, including free childcare.
To find what financial help you can get, visit Hackney education and schools.
If you’re working age and on a low income or experiencing financial difficulties we could reduce your Council Tax bill by up to 90%.
See Help paying your Council Tax or call 0208 356 3399.
If you need help to pay your energy bills, or to make your home more energy efficient, there’s a lot of financial support for London households. Visit Energy saving trust – Financial support.
If your household income is below £21,749 you could qualify for a water bill discount. Thames Water also has a scheme to cap bills for some people, as well as a hardship fund.
Visit Thames Water financial support or call 0800 009 3652.
If you’re experiencing temporary difficulty paying your rent, you can apply for a discretionary housing payment through Hackney Here to Help. To apply, visit Get help through Hackney Here to Help.
If you’re a council tenant and are experiencing tenancy problems, call 0208 356 3330 or email
We can help prevent homelessness and help you find settled housing.
See Find somewhere to stay tonight.
You can call us on 0208 356 2929, 9am to 5pm. If you need to contact us after 6pm, call 0208 356 2300.
If you’re having issues paying your service charge bill, major work bill or you want to amend your payment plan, call us on 0208 356 2299 or email
If you need help with the costs of school meals you may be eligible to claim free meals if you are receiving benefits.
All primary school children in state-funded schools in London currently get free school meals thanks to the Mayor of London’s pledge. However, if you’re eligible for free school meals you still need to register. This is to ensure you get all the benefits you should.
The schools will then receive pupil premium funding, worth £1,455, for each child. Registering will also ensure that you receive any other benefits that you may be entitled to. These include food vouchers during the holidays and access to the holiday activity fund.
The Healthy Start Scheme is an NHS scheme supporting people who are more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under four, to help to buy healthy food and milk. If you’re eligible, you’ll be sent a Healthy Start card with money on it that you can use in some UK shops, with credits added to the card every four weeks. You can use your card to buy:
- plain liquid cow’s milk
- fresh, frozen, and tinned fruit and vegetables
- fresh, dried, and tinned pulses
- infant formula milk based on cow’s milk
You can also use your card to collect Healthy Start vitamins – these support you during pregnancy and breastfeeding; vitamin drops for babies and young children – these are suitable from birth to four years old.
To check your eligibility and to apply, email, call 0300 330 7010 or visit NHS – get help to buy food and milk.
The Rose Vouchers for Fruit & Veg Project helps families on low incomes to buy fresh fruit and vegetables.
To be eligible families need to meet the criteria for the Healthy Start voucher scheme. Eligible families receive £3 of Rose Vouchers every week for each child, or £6 if the child is under one year old.
The vouchers can be obtained from local children’s centres and can be used at Ridley Road Market, single stalls at Hoxton and Well Street, and at the following greengrocers in N16 – Fresh & Fruity at 151 Stamford Hill, Just Ripe in Oldhill Street, and Getters in Dunsmure Road.
Those eligible can collect the vouchers from:
- Comet Children’s Centre, 20 Halcomb St, London N1 5RF
- Linden Children’s Centre, 86-92 Rectory Rd, London N16 7SH
- Lubavitch Children’s Centre, 1 Northfield Rd, London N16 5RL
- Minik Kardes Children’s Centre, Balls Pond Rd, London N1 4BW
- Oldhill Children’s Centre, Oldhill St, London N16 6LR
- Sebright Children’s Centre, Haggerston Park, Queensbridge Rd, London E2 8NP
- Thomas Fairchild Children’s Centre, Forston St, London N1 7HA
- Woodberry Down Children’s Centre, Springpark Dr, Woodberry Down, London N4 2NP.
For more information, call 01252 726 171 or visit Alexandra Rose Charity.
Hackney Foodbank provides emergency food parcels to anyone going through a temporary crisis or those trapped in poverty. They offer practical, immediate relief and can connect you with local organisations who can help with any wider issues you are facing.
You can contact them on 0207 254 2464 (Monday to Friday 10am to 2pm) to talk through your situation.
See Hackney Foodbank.
There are a number of community food projects offering people access to healthy and affordable food or providing free meals for vulnerable people.
Hackney Council for Voluntary Service (CVS) supports a network of lunch clubs which are financially supported by us.
The lunch clubs aim to improve the health and wellbeing of people aged 55 and over in Hackney and neighbouring boroughs.
To see a list of all community lunch clubs, visit Hackney CVS – Lunch clubs.
For more information contact the lunch clubs directly.
Visit Cooking classes in Hackney.
The Olio phone app provides a platform for you to share unwanted food and other items with your community. You can also use the app to pick up leftover goods from stores or catering suppliers for free.
The NoWaste app allows you to:
- scan receipts and barcodes
- log your weekly shop
- make lists of what you already have
- plan meals
- receive automatic reminders about when food items are going to expire
The Too Good To Go app lets you buy and collect magic bags filled with surplus food at a reduced price from:
- cafes
- restaurants
- hotels
- shops
- manufacturers
The Second Chance Cafe is a place where all community members can sit down and share a meal together, every Thursday and Friday 11am to 2pm. Their pay-what-you-want model means you can pay something or nothing for your meal.
Free swimming in Hackney
Under 18s, over 60s, disabled people and their carers can swim for free across the borough, all year round at Britannia Leisure Centre, Clissold Leisure Centre and Kings Hall Leisure Centre. Disabled people and their carers can also swim for free at London Fields Lido.
Visit the Better website to learn more about free swimming in Hackney
It’s a programme of weekly and monthly walks around Hackney, delivered in partnership with the Ramblers. There are limited spaces on each walk and it’s based on a first come first served basis.
To register or check the walks available visit walks and walking groups or call 0208 356 4897.
Healthier Together Hackney
The programme offers a three month free gym membership for weight to support people in achieving their personal goals of losing weight or becoming more active. To join, people need to be over 18 and either a Hackney resident or registered with a Hackney GP. They can be referred to the service by their consultant, GP, practice nurse or any other health or social care professional who will need to complete a referral form.
For more information, visit Better – Healthier Together Hackney.
You can also contact us on 0203 903 7245 or email
The New Age Games Programme
New Age Games is a sport and physical activity programme for Hackney residents aged 50 and over. It can help you increase the amount of exercise you do and sustain it, contributing to a healthy lifestyle.
Check for the latest programme of activities by calling our prioritised support line on 0208 356 4897 or visit exercise for over 50’s.
Free cycle training
We offer free individual or group cycle training sessions.
To book a session and for more information, visit Cycle training.
There are dozens of free activities for children and young people every school holiday across Hackney.
We also work with many providers and community services. Together, we offer fun activities and a daily free, healthy meal as part of the Holiday Activities and Food programme (HAF).
You can also sign up to the Young Hackney newsletter for regular things to do for young people.
Our libraries are free to visit, open to everyone and have free wifi.
You can use them to:
- read books
- charge your phone
- browse the internet
Most of our libraries have study spaces and are open until 8pm in the evening. They also run free activities for:
- toddlers
- children
- adults
- families
Community library service
The community library service can deliver library material to your home if you can’t access your local library due to:
- temporary or permanent illness
- a disability or caring responsibilities
The service is free and users receive a visit every four weeks.
To join the community library service call 0208 356 4577 or 0208 356 4831. You can also email
Kind coat libraries
From November to February pick up a coat or donate a coat for someone who needs one at one of our Kind coat libraries:
- Stoke Newington
- Homerton
- Shoreditch
- Stamford Hill
- Dalston CLR James
- Hackney Central
- Clapton
If you are 19+ and live in the borough you could benefit from one of the many courses.
Courses are run at various locations across the borough and by qualified and experienced teachers who will help you achieve your goals.
Family Friendly courses are also available where you and your children can learn new skills together.
Many of the courses are free.
See Hackney Opportunities or call 0208 356 5055 or email
Hackney Works is a free employment support service helping Hackney residents to see what their job goals are, helping people with their CVs, job applications, interview preparation and finding suitable work placements, apprenticeships and employment.
Call 0208 356 5700 or email
Visit Hackney Opportunities to:
- view current job opportunities in and around the borough
- register for support with job searches
- find out about training opportunities
If you would like to help other residents cope with the emotional, mental and physical challenges presented by the cost of living crisis, you could become a volunteer.
To register, call 0207 7241 4443 or visit Volunteer Centre Hackney.
Support for businesses
See cost of living – support for businesses for information and advice.
If you need support with your mental health, contact City and Hackney 24 hour mental health crisis helpline on 0800 073 0006.
Find support services can help you find local organisations offering support, advice and activities to Hackney and City residents.
If you think you have been a victim of fraud, report it to Action Fraud.
You can also report it by phone, on 0300 123 2040.
Hoxton Trust
Hoxton Trust offers free legal advice on a variety of issues
- welfare
- benefits
- debt
- housing
- employment
- consumer issues
- education issues
Contact Hoxton Trust on 0207 613 4174 or email
Hackney Community Law Centre
Hackney Community Law Centre provides free and independent legal advice and representation to people living, working or studying in Hackney. Services include advice and support with:
- debt
- housing
- welfare benefits
- immigration and visa issues
Contact their advice line on 0208 985 5236 between 10am to 12pm, Monday to Thursday.
Here to help
Opening times
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9am to 5pm (telephone)
- Wednesday – 9am to 4pm (telephone)