Make a freedom of information request
If your request is for personal information you will need to submit a Subject Access Request. See Make a request to access your personal information.
You have the right to request information held by us under the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) or Environmental Information Regulations (EIR). You must make your request in writing.
The type of information you request will determine which legislation is applied to the handling of your request. You do not need to know the law to make your request.
Commonly requested information
We publish a lot of information, so you may not need to make a request.
Check our Publication Scheme for commonly requested information.
Previous requests include details about:
- environmental health inspections
- contracts and council finances
- senior officer salaries
Information we may withhold
We may need to withhold (exempt) information. We typically withhold information if:
- it takes more than 18 working hours to provide the information
- we don’t hold the information that you have requested
- it contains personal information of someone who isn’t the requester, including council employees below director grade, elected officials and deceased people with no next of kin
- the information is already published or you can access it another way, which might involve a legal fee
- it relates to law enforcement information and its release could influence law enforcement activity
- its disclosure would negatively affect our commercial interests, or that of another organisation, including business property rates data and reliefs applied
- it is privileged information in respect of legal case or advice
- it is information intended for future publication
- it is sensitive information that could impact the safety of our people or property, such as requests about the locations where we accommodate vulnerable people, our physical or technological safety measures, or details about empty properties
Find out how to request information about tenancy and leasehold.
Find out how to request Council Tax information.
There is no charge for most requests.
We will let you know if we need to charge a fee. We won’t process the request until you make payment by cheque.
If you request a postal response then we will charge you:
- 10p per printed page
- the actual cost of postage which we notify you of in advance
We do not charge a fee for information that is withheld.
Make a request for information
Make a Freedom of Information request
Get help with making your request
If you have difficulty typing or writing then call our Customer Services team on 020 8356 3000.
We will make a note of your request and direct it to the appropriate team.
We need an email address to send you our written response.
There is no phone line for the team that handles information requests. They also do not make outbound calls.
After you submit your request
After you submit your request we:
- check that it’s a valid request
- work with the service area that may hold the information you have requested
- prepare a written response
- respond to your request within 20 days – we may lawfully extend the deadline
If your request is better handled as a routine service then we will process it outside of Freedom of Information or Environmental Information laws. The relevant department will respond to you directly.
The Information Governance Team decides whether to process a request as a legal request or a routine service request.
Tell us if you’re unhappy with how we’ve handled your request
We will complete an internal review if you’re unhappy with how we’ve handled your request.
Let us know by replying to our email within 40 days of our response.
We will:
- review our handling of the request to make sure we comply with legal and regulatory requirements
- aim to respond within 20 working days
The Information Commissioner’s Office is unlikely to accept a complaint unless you first give us a chance to resolve the issue.
If you are unhappy with our response to your review request, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office:
Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Our performance
You can find information on our performance for the last 2 years below.
We only have performance information for 2022 and 2023 because we introduced a new case management system in 2021.
We report performance with a 2 month delay to take into account extensions and requests received late in the month.
See our Freedom of information (FOI) performance report (google sheet).
Information Governance Team
Opening times
- Mon to Fri: 9am - 5pm