Adult social care annual reports and strategies

Annual report and three year plan

Each year, we produce a report detailing Hackney’s adult social care services, and how these services help adults with care and support needs in the borough.

In previous years we called this report the local account. Following feedback from people who use our services, we’ve changed the name so it’s more meaningful for people who are reading the document.

We have produced a three year plan for 2023 which includes our annual report for 2022 to 2023. This plan aims to be open and balanced it:

  • describes what we have done in 2022 to 2023 to meet people’s needs
  • explains the ongoing challenges for adult social care
  • outlines our priorities for the next three years

See Our three year plan for Hackney adult social care 2023 to 2026 (PDF 1.1mb).

See Our three year plan for Hackney adult social care 2023 to 2026 (google doc).

See Our three year plan for Hackney adult social care 2023 to 2026 – easy read version (PDF 5.3mb)

What the annual report includes

The annual report tells people:

  • how much we spent on adult social care
  • what and who we spent the money on
  • our future plans
  • what service users and carers tell us about our services
  • how our services help people stay healthy and well and avoid the need for more intensive support from adult social care services
  • what people who use services have told us about this document

We have talked to people who use our services to get their views about the annual report, such as what should be included and to share ideas to make it clearer and a more interesting read.

It’s key that people who use our services and residents of Hackney have the opportunity to shape this document and we would like to thank all of those involved in shaping this year’s edition.

Previous reports

Adult social care workforce development strategy 2024 to 2027

Our vision for adult social care in Hackney is: ‘We want you to achieve what matters to you, in partnership with our communities in Hackney. Where you need support, together we can find a solution that keeps you safe, well, and independent.’

To deliver this vision, we need a highly skilled, supported and diverse workforce. We want excellent social care practice to flourish, so that our residents and carers achieve the outcomes that matter for them. This means creating a working environment that prioritises staff development, continuous improvement and career progression whilst building on our commitment to having a trauma-informed, strengths-based and anti-racist workforce.

We have produced an adult social care workforce development strategy (2024 to 2027) to outline how we will attract, support, develop and retain excellent people to work in adult social care in Hackney. The strategy includes:

  • an introduction to the workforce and adult social care needs in Hackney
  • our 5 main priorities for the workforce
  • what we will do between 2024 and 2027 to deliver each of these priorities
  • how we intend to measure impact

See our Adult social care workforce development strategy 2024 to 2027 (PDF 1.3mb)

Page updated on: 1 July 2024

Adult social care


Hackney Service Centre
1 Hillman Street
E8 1DY



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