Energy saving advice sessions
Come to an energy advice drop-in session
Hackney Energy Advice Team (HEAT) runs regular drop-in sessions to support residents who are experiencing financial difficulties. The team includes advisors from Hackney Light and Power and CREW Energy, and the project is funded by UK Power Networks.
Come along if you need help:
- changing your energy supplier to get a better deal
- applying for energy grants, discounts and vouchers
- finding out how to lower your energy usage and save money
There will also be free energy-saving kits you can pick up. These contain energy efficient bulbs, draft excluders and radiator reflectors.
If you need more support after the session, an advisor may arrange a phone call or home visit.
Session dates and times
The sessions are free and you do not need to book.
Thursday 6 March
Time: 1pm to 5pm
Location: Hackney Service Centre, E8 1DY (foyer)
Friday 14 March
Time: 2pm to 5pm
Location: Ridley Road Market, E8 2NP (public health van)
Tuesday 25 March
Time: 2pm to 5pm
Location: Hackney Service Centre, E8 1DY (foyer)
Thursday 27 March
Time: 10am to 12pm
Location: Hackney Service Centre, E8 1DY (foyer)
Come to an energy home improvement session
These are advice sessions for people who are considering installing solar panels, heat pumps, a more efficient boiler, insulation or other building management systems in their homes. You would have to pay for these home improvements yourself, but some grants may be available.
Session dates and times
The sessions are free. Booking in advance is recommended, especially if you have any accessibility needs.
Saturday 15 March
Time: 11.30am to 1.30pm
Location: St Paul’s Church, N16 7UE
Wednesday 19 March
Time: 6.30pm to 8pm
Location: Old Fire Station Community Centre, N16 7NX
Invite an energy advisor to your community event
If you run a community group and would like an energy advisor to run a session at one of your events, contact the Hackney Energy Advice Team.
Telephone: 020 8356 3863