Housing with Care and Interim Care

What is housing with care?

Housing with care (HwC) is designed for people aged 55 plus, who have both housing and care and support needs. Service users are supported for a few hours each week, day, overnight or with an onsite staff presence 24 hours a day in accordance with their assessed needs.

This type of accommodation enables residents to maintain a greater level of independence within the community. In some local authorities, HwC may be known as ‘extra care’.

There are currently 16 housing with care schemes in the borough. We aim to provide a comfortable home with the help needed to live as independently as possible.

We have some schemes that cater for people with specialist needs, for example people with learning disabilities or dementia.

Who is eligible for housing with care?

To be eligible for housing with care applicants should:

  • be aged 55 years or over (unless applying for a scheme with a lower age limit due to the service provided)
    be Hackney residents
  • have eligible care and support needs under the Care Act

Housing with care referral process

If you already have a social worker you can discuss applying for a place with them.

If you don’t have a social worker, please contact the information and assessment team to request a community care needs assessment.

Housing with care schemes

Interim care

The interim care service is for adults aged 45 plus who need short term targeted intervention (up to 12 weeks) to gain or re-gain the skills needed to live independently with little or no intervention from local services except targeted preventative services (TPS) or universal services.

7 flats are available within the housing with care scheme at Leander Court for interim care along with 1 flat that is an emergency / place of safety provision.

As such this flat is only to be used in emergency situations, whilst arrangements are made for ongoing care / support, and it is intended that the maximum length of stay will be 72 hours.

All flats are self-contained with a bedroom, living room, kitchen and shower.

Page updated on: 19 February 2025

Adult social care


Hackney Service Centre
1 Hillman Street
E8 1DY



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