Temporary event notices (TEN)

A temporary event notice (TEN) can be used to authorise small-scale ad hoc events held in or on any premises involving no more than 499 people and for a maximum of 168 hours at any one time.

To submit a TEN the premises user must be 18 or over.

If you propose to have more than 499 persons, or have already had the maximum number of TENs this year, you need to apply for a premises licence.


Types of TEN

There are two types of TEN:

Before submitting a TEN

Before submitting a TEN, read TEN guidance notes (google doc).  The regulations that apply to TENs are complicated.

We suggest allowing plenty of time to organise your event and submit a TEN. Find out more about the temporary events notice legislation.

Submit a TEN

You can submit a TEN using our online form. You will need to register for an account to complete and submit the form.

Submit a TEN

Alternatively, if you prefer not to register, complete our temporary event notice form (WORD 225kb) and email it to licensing@hackney.gov.uk. We’ll then send you the link to make the £21 card payment.

The police and environmental protection will also automatically receive a copy of the TEN.

You need to include the following details in your submission:

  • a personal licence number if you have a personal licence
  • the premises licence or club premises certificate number if it is  licensed to sell alcohol, provide regulated entertainment between 11pm and 5am
  • an email address, as all correspondence after submitting a TEN will be made by email

After you submit a TEN

Once the police and environmental protection are in receipt of the valid TEN, they have 3 working days in which they are entitled to make an objection in respect of your notice.

If either believe that the event would undermine one or more of the licensing objectives they can serve an objection notice on the licensing authority and the premises user.

Page updated on: 19 February 2025

Licensing Service


Hackney Service Centre
1 Hillman Street
E8 1DY


Opening times

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9am to 5pm (telephone)
  • Wednesday – 9am to 4pm (telephone)
  • Monday to Friday 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm (visitors to Hackney Service Centre)