Stamford Hill Area Action Plan examination
The Stamford Hill Area Action Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination on 12 December 2024.
Inspector Simon Dean MA MRTPI from the Planning Inspectorate has been appointed by the Secretary of State to carry out the independent examination of the Stamford Hill Area Action Plan.
The Inspector will consider the comments received as part of the Regulation 19 consultation on the Stamford Hill Area Action Plan. They will identify various matters, issues and questions to consider at the Hearing Sessions which will be held during the Examination
The examination process
Visit GOV.UK for guidance and information on local plans from the Planning Inspectorate, including:
- the Local Plan examination process
- the procedure guide for Local Plan examinations
- guidance for Programme Officers during Local Plan examinations
- taking part in Local Plan examinations
Programme Officer
Louise St John Howe has been appointed as the Programme Officer.
The Programme Officer is an independent officer of the examination who:
- works on behalf of the Inspector
- organises and manages the administrative and procedural aspects of the examination process
- acts as the main point of contact for anyone interested in the examination
- liaises between the Inspector, Representors and Hackney Council
Any matters that anyone wishes to raise with the Inspector should be submitted via the Programme Officer.
For information on preparation of the plan, see Stamford Hill Area Action Plan.
Examination library
The full list of evidence base reference documents that support the Stamford Hill Area Action Plan.
See Core documents (google drive).
See Evidence base (google drive)
Examination documents
Correspondence and documents from the Inspector, council and Representors following submission of the Local Plan for examination.
See Examination documents (google drive).
Hearing sessions
Hearing sessions are part of the examination of the Stamford Hill Area Action Plan, and following careful consideration and community feedback, the hearings sessions scheduled to begin on 8 April 2025 have been postponed in the interests of ensuring maximum opportunity for participation and fairness.
The hearing sessions are public meetings, so anyone can attend to listen to the discussions.
The Inspector’s Guidance Notes on the Examination explain:
- how the hearing sessions will be run
- how to register if wishing to take part in the hearing sessions
- how to submit hearing statements
View SHAAP/ED4 – Inspector’s guidance notes for the examination (PDF 101kb).
View SHAAP/ED5 – Inspector’s matters, issues and questions (PDF 46kb).
To take part in the examination, you need to have responded to our invitation to comment on the Stamford Hill Area Action Plan. It needs to be the version of the Area Action Plan that was submitted for examination (the Regulation 19 stage of preparation of the Area Action Plan).
Representations received in response to the Regulation 19 consultation on the Stamford Hill Area Action Plan are as follows:
See Representations (google drive)
Hearing statements
Hearing statements submitted in response to the Inspector’s matters, issues and questions for discussion at the Hearing Sessions will be posted in this section.