
We have committed to reducing the dominance of cars on our roads in our transport strategy. Approximately 70% of our residents don’t own a vehicle, yet the kerbside remains dominated by parking. Our valuable kerbside space could instead be used for something to improve the urban realm for all, rather than simply using it for car storage.

Parklets are a means of repurposing a parking space on the street where you live, or near a business premises, for public use rather than for the parking of cars. Existing parklets in Hackney include amenities such as planters, cycle parking, greenery, public seating.


Parklets in Hackney

This map shows all publicly available parklets in the borough.

Do you want a parklet of your own?

We’re supporting residents with the opportunity to provide new community parklets in the borough. These will be delivered by the council in collaboration with residents and local community groups. This year’s application window is now closed and will open again Spring 2025. However, expressions of interest are open all year round.

The design of the parklets has been pre-approved and the construction and installation of these schemes will be fully funded by the council.

If you become a Parklet Keeper, you will be responsible for the ongoing upkeep and maintenance of your parklet, so this is a great chance to be part of how your community develops.

Although the design of the parklet is pre-approved, residents have the opportunity to add their own pots and seating as long as they are in line with the design standards. We review submissions to ensure suggested locations are suitable, those taken forward will be built.


Application process stage 1: initial parklet proposal

The parklet programme is available to Hackney residents and community groups.

1. Register your interest

Register your interest

Application windows are open once a year in spring.

2. Read the parklet design guidance

See parklet design guidance

3. Discuss with your neighbours and get their support

Speak to as many people as possible who live near the proposed site and include those on the opposite side of the street. Tell them what you are planning.

The more support you get, the greater the chance of your proposal going forward. You will be required to provide evidence of this in your Stage 2 application.

4. Complete your Stage 1 application

When the application window opens, we will be in touch with you to confirm your intent to apply for a parklet and will provide you with the Stage 1 application form.

We will evaluate proposals to see if they are workable in principle and where the location is suitable at a fundamental level (for example, not representing a safety hazard) If you are successful at this first stage you will be invited to produce a more detailed Stage 2 application.

If your Stage 1 proposal is rejected, we will provide feedback on why it was not suitable. You will have the opportunity to re-apply again using the Stage 1 application form.

Application process stage 2: detailed parklet proposal

1. Maintenance plan

A maintenance plan must be provided which sets out any regular maintenance that must be undertaken on your parklet for it to remain fully functional. This should include:

  • general maintenance and repairs (i.e. to fixed items and furniture)
  • plant maintenance
  • cleaning

2. Finance plan

You will need to provide evidence that you can afford the maintenance costs for your parklet, to ensure its upkeep.

You should therefore seek cost estimates for parklet maintenance and set these out on an annual basis. 

3. Evidence of local support

You will need to provide the full evidence of local support, which you will have started collecting during your Stage 1 application. This will ensure a smoother statutory consultation period following submission of your Stage 2 application.

4. Road safety audit

A road safety audit is a requirement for your parklet proposal, as it will identify any potential road safety issues. Road safety audits will be organised by Council officers, and they will provide you with details of this during the early stages of your Stage 2 application.

 The audit will take into consideration the following matters:

  • road layout and markings
  • position of signs
  • lighting provision
  • construction and dimensions of the parklet

5. Traffic Management Order

The last stage of your Stage 2 application will involve the Council posting notice of a Traffic Management Order – a statutory requirement when changes are made to the highway and which involves a public consultation period.

As with all public consultations, it is possible that your proposal will receive objections. While we do not wish for this to be the case, if the Council receives a high number of objections it will be difficult to deliver your proposal and may ultimately lead to your parklet application being rejected.

However, by ensuring your proposal meets the guidance set out above and by providing us with a community letter of support, you stand the best chance of your proposal passing the consultation successfully.

This step will be undertaken by Council officers and will not require any further input from the parklet applicant.

6. Final approval

If you are successful with all of the previous steps, your application will be approved by council officers and you will be asked to enter into a parklet keeper agreement with the council.

Parklet Keepers are responsible for the general upkeep and maintenance of the Parklet on a day-to-day basis and throughout its life, in agreement with the council.

Once your agreement has been signed you will be able to start installing your parklet.

Parklet Frequently Asked Questions

Page updated on: 14 June 2024