Submit your planning application
Part of Make a planning application
Transfer of planning powers to Hackney
On 1 December 2024, planning powers for the Hackney area of the London Legacy Development Corporation will return to us. This includes all planning powers, such as decision-making on applications, enforcement, and plan-making.
To ensure a smooth transition of powers, we will be the decision-making authority for new applications submitted from 1 September 2024. You must submit any application on or after that date to us.
After the transfer of planning powers, the Legacy Corporation Local Plan will remain as the local plan for the area. London Legacy Development Corporation’s Community Infrastructure Levy charging schedule will also remain in force for the area.
For full details of the transfer of powers, see Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park website – Transfer of planning powers.
Planning application fees
See planning application fees (PDF 715kb)
Submit a planning application
You can submit and pay for your application on Planning Portal.
In person or by post
Download and complete an application form and submit it together with your cheque (made payable to London Borough of Hackney), in person or by post to: Hackney Service Centre, 1 Hillman Street, London E8 1DY.
We will process major applications within 13 weeks, and other applications in eight weeks. Our preferred method of contact is email when notifying customers of their planning applications.
Pay for your planning application
What happens when you apply
We will consider your application against relevant adopted local and national policy. We aim to decide your application within 8 weeks of it being made valid.
Your application is valid when it has been confirmed that all required information has been supplied. If all information is supplied up front, the application is valid on the day we received it, even if it takes us longer to confirm this.
After receiving your application we will check that all information has been supplied. We aim to write to you within 5 days to confirm either that all information has been supplied, or to tell you that something is missing.
Once the application is ‘valid’ we will send letters to affected neighbours asking for their opinion of the development. These neighbours have 21 days to respond. We may also need to write to other groups to seek their opinion, such as conservation area advisory committees or local resident groups.
Once this 21 day period of consultation has passed, we will assess your application against local and national planning policy, and against any comments received.
We will prepare a report with a recommendation of either approval subject to conditions, or refusal. This report will be reviewed by a senior officer and a final decision made. 95% of all applications are decided by officers acting under delegated authority.
If your application is contentious, against policy, or if it is requested by a local councillor, it may be decided by the planning sub-committee. This is very rare for a householder planning applications
Things to consider when you apply
We will look at your existing and proposed plans, your application form, your design and access statement (where applicable), any comments received from nearby neighbours and any comments received from any other interested party. These are together referred to as ‘material considerations’.
Matters that are not considered as material considerations are:
- any possible impact on the value of land or property
- any matters related to the building control regulations (such as foundations or subsidence)
- any dispute between you and your neighbour over a common boundary wall or fence, and
- any other personal matters between you and your neighbours
What to provide when you apply
You need to provide the information as follows:
- a completed application form
- a site plan
- a location plan
- elevations and floor plans of the current arrangement of the property
- elevations and floor plans of the proposed arrangement of the property
- the relevant fee
- a design and access statement (only required if the property is within a conservation area)
To find out if your property is within a conservation area, see find my nearest and search by your address. Once you have located your property, select the environment and property tab at the bottom of the page.
You can find more information about the above details by viewing:
Get advice on proposals before you submit an application
We offer a pre-application service for householder developments.
Search for / comment on a planning application
It can take up to 5 working days for planning documents to appear on the system once the application has been submitted.
Weekly list of applications and decisions
Check local planning information
Check local planning information
See Interactive Maps Gallery and Geographical Apps.
Planning sub-committee
Larger home extensions
Legislation allowing larger single-storey rear extensions to be built under permitted development rules has been passed. The new size limits will be subject to a neighbour consultation scheme and you will need to provide us with the information in the householder prior approval notification checklist.
Planning duty desk
Opening times
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9am to 5pm (telephone)
- Wednesday – 9am to 4pm (telephone)