Future Shoreditch area action plan

Draft area action plan

We’re preparing an area action plan for Shoreditch, called Future Shoreditch. The plan sets out a vision for what Shoreditch will look like in 2040 and the planning policies to guide and manage future development and investment in the area. Once adopted, it will be an important document when making planning decisions in Shoreditch.

The plan aims to shape growth in the area and spread the benefits of development to deliver well-designed and inclusive public spaces, more genuinely affordable homes and workspaces, improved streets and air quality, new high quality developments that respect the rich heritage and character of Shoreditch, and more work and training opportunities for local people.

Consultation stage

We last consulted on the draft plan in 2019. We analysed all the feedback we received then and commissioned further evidence to support the plan. Since we last consulted, Shoreditch has experienced a lot of change. We have been gathering evidence to ensure that we fully understand the changes that have happened, and what is happening in Shoreditch now.

We think that most of the draft Future Shoreditch area action plan we consulted on is still relevant today, but we’ve identified areas that we think need updating.

This is a Regulation 18 stage of consultation. We’re consulting from 8 July to 9 September 2024.

The consultation includes two parts:

Have your say on the draft Future Shoreditch area action plan and direction of travel for the plan

You have until 9 September 2024 to have your say.

Have your say

You can also pick up a paper copy of the questionnaire from any Hackney library. Once completed, send it using the freepost envelope to the Strategic Planning Team, Planning Service, London Borough of Hackney, 1 Hillman Street, London, E8 1DY.

Evidence base

We have continued to update and expand the evidence base for the draft Future Shoreditch AAP.

This has helped us develop the Direction of Travel which we will use to help finalise the draft plan.

Previous consultations

Key plan making stages

Next steps

Your responses to the consultation will help shape the final draft plan (proposed submission version). We will consult again on the final draft plan early next year.

If you’d like further information, sign up for updates by emailing futureshoreditch@hackney.gov.uk or call 020 8356 8062.

Page updated on: 12 July 2024