Supplementary planning documents and other planning guidance
We will produce supplementary planning documents (SPD) to support existing policy found in development plan documents. On this page is a list of SPD that we’ve adopted or are currently under development.
Draft Ash Grove supplementary planning document
We’re currently preparing this supplementary planning document to set out how we can use the TfL’s Ash Grove bus garage and Hackney Council owned transport depot at 40 to 43 Andrew Road to deliver:
- new homes
- workspace – including retail and office space
- an electrified bus garage
See Ash Grove supplementary planning document.
Stamford Hill design guide supplementary planning document
We’re currently preparing this supplementary planning document to provide further guidance on residential extensions and alterations in Stamford Hill.
See Stamford Hill design guide (supplementary planning document).
S106 planning contributions SPD 2020
Planning obligations are legal agreements. We make them with developers to mitigate the negative effects of a development which would otherwise be unacceptable in planning terms.
They can be used to:
- prescribe what type of development takes place, by requiring a certain amount of affordable housing in a residential project, for example; or
- obtain contributions towards infrastructure from a developer in order to lessen a project’s impact, or to compensate for loss or damage
The Planning Obligations SPD 2020 (PDF 632kb) replaces the Planning Obligations SPD 2015. This was seen as necessary because of significant changes to the policy context surrounding planning obligations in the National Planning Policy Framework and Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations (2019 as amended) which have redefined the way in which developers are expected to contribute to community infrastructure.
We adopted the Planning Obligations SPD on 23 July 2020 and it is a material consideration for future planning applications.
Dalston SPD
We are at the start of making a new Dalston SPD, also called the Dalston Plan. It will support the growth strategy in the local plan 2033 (LP33). The LP33 and the Dalston plan, once adopted, will replace the current Dalston area action plan (adopted 2013). The next stage of the project is to produce a first draft of the Dalston plan. There will be a public consultation later on this year for an opportunity to provide feedback.
St Mary’s Lodge planning brief
We adopted the St Mary’s Lodge planning brief SPD on 18 December.
It aims to shape the restoration of St Mary’s Lodge. The goal is to ensure this important, locally listed building is preserved and restored to its former glory. It also puts forward options for redeveloping the building and the wider site. We expect the redevelopment to be led by a community use, like education. Some residential development is also possible.
See St Mary’s Lodge planning brief (PDF 627kb)
See St Mary’s Lodge planning brief SPD adoption statement (PDF 199kb)
See St Mary’s Lodge planning brief consultation statement (PDF 206Kb)
Hackney Central and surrounds masterplan supplementary planning document (2017)
We adopted this supplementary planning document (SPD) on 19 June 2017. It aims to achieve the goals in the current planning and development framework. This framework includes the Hackney Central area action plan (AAP). We adopted the AAP in 2012. It sets out a plan for coordinated development and design in Hackney Central. The goal is to ensure that changes reflect local aspirations for the area’s future.
The masterplan builds on this framework. It sets out how to achieve these goals and aspirations in today’s context. It lists a series of improvements. These include fixing and/or rebuilding key sites and improving public areas. The delivery of these goals and aspirations will help facilitate socio-economic growth, environmental improvements and significant regeneration in and around Hackney Central and beyond.
See Hackney Central and surrounds masterplan SPD adoption statement (PDF 82kb)
See Hackney Central and surrounds masterplan SPD part 1 (PDF 9mb)
See Hackney Central and surrounds masterplan SPD part 2 (PDF 8mb)
See Hackney Central and surrounds masterplan SPD part 3 (PDF 8mb)
See Hackney Central and surrounds masterplan SPD part 4 (PDF 2mb)
Stoke Newington Town Hall planning and design guidance consultation
Our cabinet approved Stoke Newington Town Hall planning and design guidance (PDF 9mb) on 27 November 2017.
Many parts of the complex are currently either vacant or underused. There’s an opportunity to intensify and introduce new uses to make better use of these important cultural and heritage assets, and generate income to offset ongoing maintenance costs.
The guidance outlines how we plan to shape and improve the complex and secure a more sustainable future for the buildings. It sets out key planning and design limits for any future refurbishment or redevelopment proposals. The document was approved after two rounds of public consultation and a robust evidence base had been collected.
See first draft planning and design guidance (PDF 9mb)
See assessment of significance (PDF 6mb)
See Stoke Newington Town Hall, Library and surrounds demand survey (PDF 1mb)
See Stoke Newington Town Hall demand survey appendix 6 – residential appraisals (PDF 373kb)
See Stoke Newington Town Hall planning and design guidance consultation report (PDF 695kb)
See Stoke Newington Town Hall initial engagement report (PDF 562kb)
Sustainable design and construction supplementary planning document (2016)
See sustainable design and construction supplementary planning document (2016) (PDF 2mb)
See sustainable design and construction supplementary planning document adoption statement (PDF 79kb)
We adopted this SPD on 20 July 2016. It provides guidance on how to embed sustainable design and construction into developments in Hackney. It outlines the most important issues and specifies what developers should include in any scheme to enhance sustainable design in future Hackney developments.
This SPD aims to provide well designed buildings, that will have sustainability measures built in from the start. These measures will bring carbon and financial benefits throughout the building’s lifetime. All parties involved in the development process, from initial design through to construction and final delivery of the building, are intended to use this document. We reiterate this in our sustainable design-led approach.
Finsbury Park town centre supplementary planning document (2014)
See Finsbury Park town centre SPD (PDF 6mb)
See Finsbury Park town centre SPD adoption statement (PDF 6mb)
The Finsbury Park town centre SPD aims to:
- improve the town centre, the station and the surrounding public spaces
- create new homes, jobs and training opportunities
- make the most of the historic buildings
- improve links between the town centre and Finsbury Park
The SPD area falls largely within Islington, but includes parts of Haringey and Hackney. The Hackney area includes the eastern side of Blackstock Road and part of Seven Sisters Road just beyond the junction with Wilberforce Road. Most of this combined area is designated as a District Town Centre in Hackney’s adopted core strategy and as secondary shopping frontage in Hackney’s adopted development management local plan.
The Finsbury Park town centre supplementary planning document (SPD) has been adopted by Islington Council, Haringey Council and us. Haringey Council adopted the SPD on 25 June 2014. Islington Council adopted the document on 16 July 2014. We adopted the document on 21 July 2014.
Public realm strategy SPD (2012)
See Public Realm appendix A3 p1 to 21 (PDF 2mb)
See Public Realm appendix A3 p22 to 46 (PDF 2mb)
See Public Realm appendix A4 p1 to 26 (PDF 3mb)
See Public Realm appendix A4 p27 to 47 (PDF 3mb)
See Public Realm appendix A4 p48 to 71 (PDF 3mb)
See Public Realm appendix A4 p72 to 94 (PDF 3mb)
Adopted by cabinet on 27 February 2012, the SPD should be used when proposing and evaluating development proposals that impact on the public realm, whether initiated by the public or private sector.
Residential extensions and alterations supplementary planning document (2009)
See Residential extensions and alterations SPD (PDF 5mb).
The continual adaptation of the existing building stock is an essential part of helping to meet changing demands for housing in an evolving society and a changing community.
So, it is vital that changes to Hackney’s buildings add to the good qualities of individual dwellings and the wider townscape they are part of.
The SPD provides clear and current guidance. It’s consistent and relevant to the whole borough. It follows government advice and best practice. It will help applicants understand our requirements better. The goal is to improve applications’ quality and the speed and consistency of decisions. It will also protect both residential amenity and townscape quality.
We wrote guidance in Chapter 3 for Front Roof Slopes after conducting a detailed street survey.
See Residential extensions and alterations SPD street survey (PDF 3mb).
South Shoreditch supplementary planning document (2006)
See South Shoreditch SPD (PDF 3mb).
Adopted on 1 February 2006, the SPD identifies a 10 year vision for South Shoreditch and provides clear planning guidance for the area.
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- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9am to 5pm (telephone)
- Wednesday – 9am to 4pm (telephone)