Air quality and planning

Planning process

Our planning process, and the implementation of our local plan (LP33), sets out ways to ensure that air quality is not made worse by building work and new developments in the borough and that the health of future users is protected.

Through the planning process, we also seek to deliver air quality improvements where possible.

To tackle air pollution and increase walking and cycling, LP33 states that all new developments must be car-free, with parking limited to disabled spaces or essential servicing needs.

All developments in the borough must be air quality neutral in line with LP33 and the London Plan. Larger developments subject to Environmental Impact Assessment regulations must also meet the London Plan’s air quality positive requirements.

You should also check the planning validation requirements to see if you need an air quality assessment with your planning application. We can also advise applicants and developers on the scope of air quality assessments.

Code of Construction Practice

The Code of Construction Practice is for:

  • construction logistics
  • waste management
  • air quality
  • dust

It sets out what we expect from developers and those involved in construction activities in the borough.

The expectation is that all construction sites in the borough meet the requirements or best practice set out in the Code. Following the guidance will help to reduce disruption for residents.

Developers should also use the Code of Construction Practice when developing their construction management plans.

Non-road mobile machinery (NRMM)

NRMM includes mobile machinery and vehicles which are fitted with an internal combustion engine but are not used on public roads, such as generators or diggers.

They are generally used in relation to activities on construction sites and can be a big contributor to air pollution in the immediate area.

Hackney is part of a Pan-London NRMM project funded by the Mayor of London. As part of this project, we use the planning process to make sure construction sites register on the London-wide database.

NRMM on construction sites in Hackney is required to meet the relevant NRMM Low Emission Zone standards. Stricter standards apply in the Central Activities Zone and Opportunity Areas. You can view a map of these areas by visiting Mayor of London – Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM).

Audits are undertaken on all registered sites and checks for unregistered sites are also made. The audits check that all relevant plant and machinery on site meets relevant emissions standards, therefore reducing air pollution from construction.

Air Quality Action Plan

See our Air Quality Action Plan for more details on how we are improving air quality across the borough.

Page updated on: 24 November 2023

Land, Air, Water


Hackney Service Centre
1 Hillman Street
E8 1DY


Opening times

  • Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm. Contact us to book an appointment.