Planning contributions supplementary planning document
Adopted S106 planning contributions SPD 2020
The Council adopted the planning contributions SPD in July 2020. The SPD will operate alongside the Hackney community infrastructure levy (CIL). Planning obligations are legal agreements that we make with developers to mitigate the negative effects of a development which would otherwise be unacceptable in planning terms.
They can be used to:
- require parts of a development to be used in certain ways, for example affordable housing
- require certain works to be undertaken or restrictions and/or requirements on the form of the development, for example car-free
- require monetary contributions to address the impacts of development – usually limited to those cases where it is not feasible to meet policy requirements on-site and/or to mitigate specific development impacts
The planning obligations SPD 2020 supersedes the planning obligations SPD 2015. This was seen as necessary because of significant changes to the policy context surrounding planning obligations in the National Planning Policy Framework and Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations (2019 as amended) which have redefined the way in which developers are expected to contribute to community infrastructure. It is also intended to provide guidance to supplement the adopted local plan 2033 (LP33).
The planning obligations SPD was adopted on the 23 July 2020 and is a material consideration for planning applications.
The SPD was made available for public consultation for 8 weeks between 18 February 2020 and 17 February 2020. Following the consultation the document was modified to take account of the representations made and was formally adopted on 20 July 2020.
- planning contributions SPD (2020)
- planning obligations SPD consultation statement
- adoption statement
Planning contributions legal agreement templates
You can view a copy of our standard planning contributions legal agreement template. These templates contain most of our standard clauses for your information.
Small sites
To be completed after consideration of your application
- small sites unilateral undertaking template
- small sites agreement to pay fees and to sign unilateral undertaking for affordable housing and/or carbon offsetting contributions
Small site developer flowchart
See the small site developer flowchart to understand how you should proceed depending on if your applications are policy-compliant or non-compliant submissions.
Delivering community benefits
Development contributions facilitate and deliver a number of community benefits across the borough, both through monetary contributions and in-kind (non-monetary) contributions.
Planning duty desk
Opening times
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9am to 5pm (telephone)
- Wednesday – 9am to 4pm (telephone)