Licensing policy (alcohol, entertainment and late night refreshment)

Our licensing policy sets out the principles to be applied when considering applications under the Licensing Act 2003.

See statement of licensing policy – alcohol, regulated entertainment and late night refreshment (PDF 293kb)

It’s effective from 1 August 2023 for a maximum of 5 years.


What does the policy cover?

  • the sale and supply of alcohol, eg pubs, restaurants, clubs and off licences
  • live music, recorded music
  • performances of dance
  • indoor sporting events
  • boxing and wrestling
  • film exhibitions including cinemas
  • plays, such as theatre
  • late night refreshment which is the sale of hot food and / or drink between 11pm and 5am such as at takeaways, pubs and restaurants which open late in the evening

The policy may also be triggered where there is an objection to a temporary event notice (TEN) or to an application for a personal licence.

Why do you license these activities?

The activities are licensed to promote the following objectives:

  • the prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • the prevention of public nuisance
  • the protection of children from harm


Personal licence: this is granted to individuals and allows them to sell alcohol to the public.

Premises licence: authorises a premises to be used for licensable activities. It acts as a single umbrella licence, covering this whole group of activities. It is valid for an unlimited time, subject to surrender, variation, revocation, lapse or suspension, but can be requested for a limited period.

Club premises certificate: where premises meet the requirements of a ‘qualifying’ club, a certificate can be used to authorise licensable activities.

Variation of premises licence: for when an existing premises licence holder wishes to make changes to the premises licence.

Temporary event notices (TEN): TENs allow licensable activities to take place during a period of no more than 168 hours, where there are no more than 499 people present.

Page updated on: 2 October 2023

Licensing Service


Hackney Service Centre
1 Hillman Street
E8 1DY


Opening times

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9am to 5pm (telephone)
  • Wednesday – 9am to 4pm (telephone)
  • Monday to Friday 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm (visitors to Hackney Service Centre)