Dropped kerbs and vehicle crossovers
If you want to drive across the public footway in order to gain access to your drive, you will need to have a vehicle crossover constructed. We are responsible for carrying out the work but permission will only be granted if the application fully meets our criteria.
There must be:
- a minimum opening of 2.4 metres to the frontage of the drive
- a minimum depth of 4.8 metres within the drive
Are there any restrictions?
We will take into consideration the location of trees, lamp columns, speed tables/cushions, bus stops, gullies and controlled parking zones.
If the application for your property is within a conservation area, on a classified road or the property is separated into flats, planning permission will be required and the final decision on whether you are permitted to go ahead with the proposed works will be made by the Council.
You can also phone us on 020 8356 2897.
If the enquiry meets our requirements, we’ll progress it to the application stage, and you’ll be sent a vehicle crossover application form which you will need to return fully completed, with a non refundable payment of £185 to cover administration costs (consultations with utilities companies and all other relevant departments etc).
A highways officer will then visit your property to take measurements and to estimate costs. You will receive a written quotation detailing the total cost and methods of payments within 14 days.
How much will it cost?
The estimated cost for works is between £1,400-£5,000, but this may vary depending on whatever material is currently used on the public footway. We work on a like-for-like basis and so will either replace or reconstruct the existing material. For example, tarmac would be the cheapest and York stone would be the most expensive. Double yellow lines are enforceable but are not included in the estimated cost for works. This application is optional and costs £270.
What can I do if permission is refused?
If your application is refused you will receive a letter stating the reason why it has been refused. You have the right to appeal to the Secretary of State, Planning Inspectorate, Tollgate House, Houlton Street, Bristol, BS2 9DR.
Opening times
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9am to 5pm (telephone)
- Wednesday – 9am to 4pm (telephone)
- Monday to Friday - 9am to 5pm (visiting hours of the Hackney Service Centre)