Report noise

4 min read

Report noise

You can report ongoing or one-off noise incidents at any time using our online form:

Report noise now

You can also call 020 8356 3000 during office hours, Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. If you want to call to report noise at any other time call 020 8356 4455.

Enforcement officers are available during office hours and the following times:

  • Thursday, 6.30pm to 2am
  • Friday, 9pm to 2am
  • Saturday, 9pm to 2am
  • Sunday, 6.30pm to 2am


  • your name
  • address
  • telephone number
  • details of where the noise is coming from

What is noise nuisance?

Everyone’s perception of noise nuisance is different. It’s not just about sound levels in decibels but of what is acceptable.

Noise is generally considered to mean unwanted sound, but what one person considers unwanted may seem reasonable to someone else.

As an enforcing authority, we have to decide what’s reasonable and what isn’t, before we take action. We can help with:

  • building and construction site noise (we recommend noisy work in residential areas is carried out Monday to Friday, 8am-6pm and Saturdays, 8am-1pm)
  • DIY noise during antisocial hours
  • burglar / car alarms
  • deliveries at unreasonable hours
  • nightclubs and pubs
  • parties
  • loud music / television
  • industry
  • kitchen extract / air conditioning units
  • places of worship
  • open air events
  • street performers

Types of noise

What we’ll do

We have a duty to investigate noise complaints from residents. The way we respond depends on the nature of the problem, the time that it happens and whether or not it’s a first-time complaint or a recurring problem. If we’re satisfied the noise is a nuisance, and it doesn’t stop within 7 days, we’ll usually serve a formal or statutory noise abatement notice to prevent a recurrence of the problem.

If you’re served with an abatement notice and don’t comply with it, or are making a severe, ongoing noise at night, we can use a warrant and seize your noise-making equipment.

We prioritise cases where large numbers of residents are affected – especially by persistent noise pollution.

What you can do

If possible discuss the problem with the person or organisation making the noise. Often they can stop or reduce the impact of the noise.

Problems can often be quickly resolved by talking to your neighbour, explaining how their actions are impacting on you and agreeing to a compromise that is an acceptable solution for all.

People are often unaware that they’re causing a problem and most will be glad to take action to reduce the disturbance. If you don’t think it’s safe or appropriate to approach the person making the noise, please contact us for further advice.

If the problems persists, we’ll normally ask you to complete diary sheets so we can look in-depth at the times and extent of the problem:

  • please download the diary sheets so you can fill them in – you can do this by going to ‘File’ then ‘Download’ then choosing ‘Microsoft Word (.docx)’ from the menu; there’s no need to request access

Certain types of noise are difficult for us to assess so we may ask you to contact us while the problem is happening. If an officer is available, and considers there to be a potential problem, they will try to make a visit.

You can also complain directly to the Magistrate’s Court under section 82 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. The Magistrate’s Court can make a nuisance order and it can impose a fine.

Noise we can’t deal with

Please note that we have no jurisdiction in respect of noise from aircraft or trains. For train and railway noise, contact the Network Rail Helpline on 0845 711414.

If you are experiencing noise from any aircraft please contact the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), on 020 7453 6525.

Page updated on: 19 February 2025

Pollution Control


PO Box 70210
E8 9FB

Opening times

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9am to 5pm (telephone)
  • Wednesday – 9am to 4pm (telephone)
  • Out of hours service: Thursday 6.30pm to 2am, Friday 9pm to 2am, Saturday 9pm to 2am, Sunday 6.30pm to 2am