Procurement strategy
Our procurement strategy is focused on achieving more from our commercial spending to deliver major social, economic and environmental benefits for our local communities. It is linked to our Community Strategy, and other related strategies put in place to deliver the Mayor’s key priorities and manifesto commitments in this area of our operations.
- Sustainable procurement and insourcing strategy (google doc)
- our net zero energy strategy (PDF 2.7mb)
- equality guidance for contractors (PDF 115kb)
What is sustainable procurement?
Sustainable procurement means improving the efficiency of our commercial spend to deliver major social and environmental benefits within our local community and nationally; to the extent that we can use our purchasing power, either unilaterally or by combining with other public sector organisations to influence the supply market.
This means using our purchasing power to address any adverse impact of our contracting activities on our communities and delivering added value (social, economic and environmental benefits to our people and communities)
Key themes of the strategy
Procuring green
- using renewable resources and preserving non renewable ones
- reducing, reusing and recycling
- reducing CO2 emissions
- diverting from landfill and incineration
- proactively sourcing low carbon and green energy
- using whole life costing, taking account of the cost of disposal and decommissioning
- purchasing sustainable timber products
- adopting food and agriculture practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals
- minimizing negative impact of Freight associated with our procurement and contracting activities
Procuring for a better society
- promoting social innovation
- making payment on time to our suppliers
- supporting local employment
- encouraging local suppliers into the supply chain
- looking to improve regeneration and integration of our local community
- employment and skills initiatives including apprenticeships
Procuring for fair delivery
- fulfilling our public sector equality duty
- ethical practices such as fair trade
- diversity (community, supplier and workforce)
- paying the London living wage
- tackling modern slavery and human trafficking
Guiding principles
Our primary focus on sustainable procurement supports the overarching aim and guiding principles of the procurement service:
“To deliver the Mayor’s priorities, the Council’s strategic objectives and best value’ through a straightforward, professional and focussed approach to procurement”
- straightforward: To eliminate unnecessary burdens arising from the procurement and to make procurement and payment processes more effective through e-procurement
- professional: To ensure procurement and contract management skills are well embedded and distributed across the Council
- focused: To use sound procurement practices and innovative procurement solutions to promote sustainability and best value, in particular supporting the best use of resources agenda and making use of collaboration and partnership opportunities
This is the set of principles that guide the management and ongoing development of the procurement service. Therefore we will:
- take a long term strategic view of our procurement needs while continually assessing, reviewing and auditing our procedures, strategy and objectives
- require that a proper business case is produced to support all significant procurement decisions and expect contracting activity to be as a result of competition
- assess all procurement proposals against a criteria that includes effectiveness, efficiency, best value, sustainability and on the basis of whole life costs, providing this does not prejudice service delivery
- measure outcomes rather than outputs
- be a pragmatic and intelligent customer maximising the benefits offered by developing partnerships, embracing technology and harnessing economies of scale through consortia
- actively manage our supplier portfolio, including the requirements of the equality framework for local government
- support, encourage and develop our staff, ensuring equality of opportunity for all
- ensure that each director / chief officer is given the tools to discharge their responsibility for the procurement of goods, services and works within their directorate
- comply with any legislation, corporate policies or other requirements relevant to our activities, ensuring that all officers responsible for procurement and contract management are aware of and adhere to the requirements of European and UK law, the Council’s standing orders, required standards and best practice
- require directorates to programme and manage their procurements in accordance with, procurement board, cabinet procurement committee and cabinet timetables
- ensure that risk is identified, assessed and managed at all stages of the procurement process
- ensure that every procurement is led and managed by an appropriate officer, is allocated a suitable contract manager and that records are properly maintained, decisions recorded and clear audit trails exist to ensure openness, propriety and probity
- have regard to all aspects of sustainability
- participate in partnerships and shared services where these can deliver overall service improvements and provide value for money
Hackney Procurement Centre
Opening times
- Mon to Fri: 9am - 5pm