Listed buildings

If the secretary of state for culture, media and sport considers a building to be of special architectural or historic interest, it’s included in an official list. There are around 1,300 listed buildings in Hackney.

It is a criminal offence to undertake, or cause to be undertaken, works to a listed building without permission.

Read Historic England’s guide to listed buildings.


Find out if your property is listed

The list is compiled and maintained by Historic England. To find out if your property is listed:

You can also search our listed building map below.

The descriptions on the list are for identification purposes only – all the features of a listed building, inside and outside, are protected by the listing whether they’re mentioned in the description or not.

Can you do work to a listed building?

You don’t need listed building consent for regular maintenance or repairs that don’t affect the character of a historic building – for example, if the repaired feature is identical in every way, using matching materials and methods.

However, you do need it if the repairs include removing historic material or changing the building’s character – for example, internal alterations that include removing historic doors, fireplaces or plasterwork or replacing of external doors or windows. These kinds of changes require consent. Work like repainting or redecorating doesn’t normally need consent.

Submit an application for listed building consent

The listed building consent process is very similar to the planning process, although the information we require regarding the existing features of the listed building and how they’re going to be affected by any proposed work, is more detailed.

What policies apply to listed buildings?

Generally, we seek to preserve listed buildings, their settings and any features of architectural or historic interest. We won’t normally approve an application to

  • demolish a listed building
  • allow alterations that would involve losing historic parts of the building
  • obscure the original plan form, layout or structural integrity
  • diminish the historic value of listed buildings

If you want to carry out works to a listed building it’s vital to consult a professional with experience of dealing with historic buildings, and also employ a reputable building contractor.

Many listed buildings can sustain some sensitive alterations or extensions to accommodate continuing or new uses, but they vary greatly in how much they can be changed without harming their special architectural or historic interest. Our policies relating to listed buildings are available in the local plan and there’s detailed guidance in the government’s National Planning Policy Framework.

For Grade I and II* buildings we work closely with Historic England to decide whether listed building consent should be granted.

How to get a building listed

Anyone can apply to have a building listed submit an application to Historic England.

Heritage at risk

We monitor the condition of the listed buildings in the borough – when a building’s in poor repair, or there are concerns over its future, we’ll attempt to work with the owner and other agencies to protect the its future.

Buildings at risk or vulnerable to becoming so, are listed on Historic England’s Heritage at Risk register. If you are aware of a listed building which you think is at risk, please contact us.

Help for owners

We provide practical advice to help owners secure the future of important buildings at risk. If you need help, please contact us.

We have limited funds to grant aid repairs to buildings at risk, but we can advise on other sources of grant funding, available from agencies such as Historic England, the Heritage Lottery Fund or the Heritage of London Trust.

Urgent works notices and repairs notices

We have legal powers to serve an urgent works notice or repairs notice on the owner of a listed building, requiring repair works to be carried out to prevent further decay. The notice will specify the works, which we consider reasonably necessary for the preservation of the building. Please note:

  • urgent works notices are restricted to emergency repairs only
  • repairs notices are not restricted to urgent works and may include works to preserve architectural details – but can’t be used to restore lost features

In extreme cases the Council can do the work at the owner’s cost or even compulsorily purchase the building.

Page updated on: 14 June 2024

Planning duty desk


Opening times

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9am to 5pm (telephone)
  • Wednesday – 9am to 4pm (telephone)