Health advice

Working with partners across the borough, we aim to provide advice and services for the health and wellbeing of all Hackney residents.


Find support services

Find support, advice, classes and activities run by the local community and voluntary sector in Hackney and the City:

Visit find support services

The NHS website

The NHS website is a comprehensive health information service to help put you in control of your healthcare.

Visit the NHS website

Local services

Get Hackney Healthy

We’ve developed two documents as part of our cross-cutting Get Hackney Healthy work, which aims to promote healthy lifestyles for children and families.

The early years settings and children’s centre healthy weight guidance helps early years settings create environments where children can maintain a healthy weight and provides information on our healthy living and obesity services and advice on how to evaluate any services you commission.

The Hackney childhood obesity framework: 0-5 provides a vision for working in partnership to reduce childhood obesity and includes national and local data alongside information on healthy weight services available for under 5s across the system.

Health, exercise and nutrition for the really young (HENRY)

The Best Start with HENRY service in City & Hackney supports local families with children aged 0 to 5. Its aim is to ensure that children and their families have a healthy and happy start in life. The service provides valuable information and guidance on topics, including:

  • introducing solid foods
  • dealing with fussy eating
  • eating well on a budget
  • promoting healthy mealtimes

For more information, visit HENRY.  You can also call 07519 109 876, or email:


Measles – make sure your child is fully vaccinated.

NHS health check

The NHS health check is a chance to get your free midlife MoT. For adults in England aged 40-74 without a pre-existing condition, it checks your circulatory and vascular health and assesses your risk of getting a disabling vascular disease. Please contact your GP practice about your NHS health check.

If you’re not eligible for a health check, take this quick NHS quiz to find out your ‘heart age’? Find out if your heart age is older than your real age, and discover the simple steps you can take to live more healthily.

Reporting notifiable diseases and causative organisms

Registered medical practitioners (RMPs) have a statutory duty to notify the local health protection team (HPT) of suspected cases of certain infectious and non-infectious health hazards that could represent significant harm to human health.

Registered medical practitioners should immediately:

Learn more by visiting GOV.UK.

Making Every Contact Count (MECC)

MECC aims to build confidence, knowledge, and skills required for good conversations. It provides frontline staff and volunteers with the opportunity to actively engage in and practice various scenarios. It also provides resources specific to supporting people in taking better care of their health and wellbeing.

To book onto a MECC training session, visit eventbrite.

Page updated on: 6 January 2025