Working with the council
We’re committed to developing and maintaining effective relationships suppliers to helps us provide high quality services to our residents.
Our commitment to suppliers
We are committed to equality and cohesion and try to make sure this is reflected in our contractual relationships and partnerships. Our compliance with the Equality Act 2010 ensures we eliminate unlawful discrimination and advance equality of opportunity in all our work, including our contracting activities.
We play a significant role in the local economy and will give local suppliers a fair opportunity to compete for our business.
Contracts will be awarded on the basis of the commercial criteria having been satisfied, and we will aim to ensure:
- all correspondence from potential suppliers will be answered speedily and courteously
- we will indicate clearly and concisely the actions we will take in considering your tender to become one of our suppliers
- if you are not being included on a list of potential suppliers, or we have no call for the goods/services on offer, we will tell you
- we will make every effort to ensure suppliers of all sizes and backgrounds are clear about the procedures for dealing with us
- our documentation will be clear and user friendly
- full and constructive debriefing will be available to unsuccessful contractors
- invoices will be paid in line with the agreed terms
- confidentiality will be maintained in respect of commercially sensitive information so as not to disadvantage any organisation in its normal commercial activities
Our contracts register
We try to keep this up-to-date and correct, but this may not be a full list of our contracts and it is not in any particular order. Its publication is not intended to indicate any recommendation or preference for any particular organisation that does, or does not, appear on the list.
Complaints procedure
We value your feedback, so if you’re unhappy about something, please let us know and we will do our best to put things right for you.
What we buy
We buy a wide and diverse range of goods and services, including all of the things you would expect a large organisation to buy.
Standard documents and terms and conditions
Our standard documents
Standard terms and conditions of contract
How to help us pay you on time
We use automated systems to pay invoices, and most payments are made very quickly.
Your invoice will be returned to you unpaid if you do not quote a valid purchase order number. If an invoice does not have enough information for the scanner to match it to one of our purchase orders, it may be returned to you unpaid. You will then have to resend the invoice with all the required information.
Provide all the information we need to pay your invoice
- supply goods or services without first having a valid London Borough of Hackney purchase order. This will be supplied electronically (e-ordering) or in writing. The only exception to this is if you have a prior specific written agreement for an alternative arrangement
- supply quantities or prices above those on the purchase order. If the purchase order has incorrect prices or quantities, please contact the buyer and request a correct one before supplying us
- submit invoices for more than one purchase order
Send your invoices by email
All invoices must be emailed to as a PDF or TIFF image.
Make sure each invoice includes this information:
- addressed to the London Borough of Hackney
- supplier’s name and address
- the word invoice or the words credit note
- invoice number and date
- value and currency
- description of goods and services
- valid purchase order number (invoices without a PO will be rejected) and PO item number (if applicable)
- contact details of Hackney staff member
- any unique reference number or information requested by our staff member
- your company VAT registration number
- value split between the net value of goods and services, the rate and amount of VAT, and the gross (total) value of the invoice
If any of the above information is missing, you will receive an email advising you that your invoice has been rejected.
Note: Payment can’t be processed until the buyer has receipted confirmation of delivery (GRN).
Hackney Procurement Centre
Opening times
- Mon to Fri: 9am - 5pm