Water quality

If you’re concerned about a water quality issue or would like more information about water quality in Hackney, please contact us.


Mains water supply (drinking water)

The main responsibility for ensuring that drinking water in Hackney is clean, lies with Thames Water. The standards Thames Water must meet are set out in The Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000. If you have a complaint about your water quality you can contact Thames Water. You can also contact the Drinking Water Inspectorate, the national body for ensuring the quality of water.

We may occasionally become involved in the testing of domestic mains water, in addition to Thames Water.

Private water supplies

A private water supply is any supply which is not provided by a water company (such as Thames Water). The water might come from a spring, a well, a bore-hole or a stream. The Council is responsible for carrying out risk assessments and monitoring the quality of private water supplies.

The legislation we use is made under the Water Industry Act 1991 and is called The Private Water Supplies Regulations 2009. This tells us what the standards of the water should be and how often we have to test the water (depending upon its use).

The locations of any permanent private waters supplies and any notices served are available from MapHackney in the environment and planning and pollution folders.

If your home or business is served by a private water supply, and you would like more information or need to arrange a test, please contact us.

The 2016 regulations also require the Council to carry out risk assessments of private distribution systems – the pipework that connects the mains supply to individual properties.

Stored water supplies

The Council will investigate complaints about stored water supplies (drinking water supplied from tanks). We will also carry out a risk assessment on water supplied from tanks (this may include taking samples periodically).

Bathing waters / swimming pools, etc

The Council is responsible for checking the quality of all swimming pools in the borough, including any at leisure centres, private health clubs and hotels. We also look at jacuzzis, paddling pools and hospital hydrotherapy pools. And we investigate complaints about the quality of pool water.

Recreational waters

The Environment Agency is responsible for protecting and maintaining water quality in rivers and other surface waters. You may also find useful information on Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

Page updated on: 2 December 2022

Land, Air, Water


Hackney Service Centre
1 Hillman Street
E8 1DY


Opening times

  • Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm. Contact us to book an appointment.