Report anti-social behaviour – council tenants

Anti-social behaviour covers a wide range of unacceptable activity that affects the lives of many people on a daily basis. It often leaves victims feeling helpless, desperate and with a seriously reduced quality of life on our estates.

Anti-social behaviour is defined as behaviour, whether or not it is itself criminal, ‘which causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress’ to other people including behaviour which puts people in fear of crime.

We investigate all reports of anti-social behaviour and take them seriously. You have the right to live in your home without fear of intimidation, nuisance or harassment.


Report anti-social behaviour

If you experience anti-social behaviour:

  • phone the police on 999 in an emergency
  • email us at
  • phone our 24-hour anti-social behaviour service on 020 8356 3310 and press option 1
  • text 07814 103 273
  • visit the Hackney Service Centre, 1 Hillman Street, E8 1DY
  • contact your Tenant Management Organisation if your home is managed by them

We will contact you within 24 hours for severe cases and within three working days for non-severe cases.

Anti-social behaviour policy

The Housing Act 1996 requires all social landlords to publish their policies and procedures for dealing with anti-social behaviour. Our general policy statement outlines our general approach to anti-social behaviour. Our procedures include information on types of anti-social behaviour and how we:

  • handle reports
  • support you
  • respond to anti-social behaviour incidents and keep you updated

Read more about how to respond to anti-social behaviour:

ASB case review

ASB case review is a process which allows members of the community to ask the community safety partnership to review the responses to their complaints of anti-social behaviour. Registered housing providers (social landlords) are also included.

Page updated on: 23 May 2024