Senior officers’ pay

To improve transparency and accountability within local government, the council is publishing details of salaries paid to the authority’s senior management team. The information will put disclosure requirements on a similar level with other areas of the public sector. The disclosure provides additional information to the transparency and accountability requirements of the Accounts and Audit (Amendment No. 2) (England) Regulations 2009.

Hackney’s senior management team constitutes the Chief Executive Officer, Group Directors and Directors.

Read more about using this data on our terms and conditions page.

The policy governing chief officer pay was agreed at full council on 26 February 2025.

The pay policy statement for 2025 to 2026 (google doc) is published for transparency and to meet the requirements contained in Chapter 8 of the Localism Act 2011.

Top 3 tiers of employees earning over £50,000

Information on the top three tiers of employees earning over £50,000, which is updated once a year. Date at which the information provided is true: 1 September 2024

Responsibilities at each tier are as follows

Tier 1 to 3 are senior managers with responsibility for:

  1. the successful delivery of the Mayor’s priorities, council’s corporate objectives, and the business objectives of the designated directorate
  2. providing effective leadership and management that will contribute to the continuous improvement of the Council
  3. contribute to Council-wide and directorate initiatives that will achieve and implement the Mayor’s priorities and corporate objectives

Tier 1 – is the Chief Executive, with overall responsibility for leading the organisation.

Tier 2 – is a member of Hackney management team and operates at a council wide strategic level (with responsibility for the whole directorate)

Tier 3 – is a member of directorate management team and operates at a directorate wide strategic level (with responsibility for the whole division)

Page updated on: 17 March 2025

London Borough of Hackney


Hackney Town Hall
Mare Street
E8 1EA


Opening times

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9am to 5pm (telephone)
  • Wednesday – 9am to 4pm (telephone)