Flood warnings and planning

How dangerous is flooding?

If there is a threat to life, call 999.

The most obvious danger related to flooding is drowning but even shallow flood water can be dangerous:

  • 6 inches of fast-flowing water can knock an adult off their feet
  • just 2 feet of water can float your car
  • flood water may contain pollutants and can even be contaminated with raw sewage
  • fallen electricity cables can cause electric shocks as the current passes through water
  • submerged obstacles, lifted drain and inspection covers create dangerous underwater hazards
  • do not attempt to walk through flood waters
  • do not attempt to drive on flooded roads

See our page including information on how to prepare for long term or immediate flood risk:

Sources of flooding and related contacts

What could happen if there is a flood near me?

  • evacuation / de-housing – this could possibly be long term if your property has been flooded
  • lack of access – road closures due to flooding may disable or inhibit your route to key locations such as grocery shops, GP surgeries, pharmacies, schools or your place of work
  • loss of utilities – a flood can cause utilities to fail – for example running water, electricity, gas or telephone lines. This may affect properties which aren’t flooded – for example, high rise flats / tower blocks
  • loss of life/ injuries – people can become trapped in their homes or cars (people in basement flats are at a much higher risk of becoming trapped)
  • pollution –  a flood in your area can cause tap water to be deemed unsafe to drink
  • structural damage – flood water can cause buildings, bridges and other structures to be deemed unsafe
  • huge financial and emotional trauma – the contents of your property could suffer irreversible flood damage

How can I tell if flooding is likely?

The Environment Agency and The Met Office offer free flood warning updates:

All residents and business owners are encouraged to sign up to these free warning service. During periods of heavy rain or severe weather you can monitor local weather reports either on the television, radio (LBC 97.3FM).

How does the Council manage local flood risk?

The Council maintains a Multi Agency Flood Response Plan (not currently publicly available)

The Council actively works to ensure that gullies and road drains are free from blockages.

The local flood risk management strategy sets out how the Council, together with other organisations, will deal with the risk of flooding.


The Council maintains a stock of deployable flood defences. These will be used to protect critical infrastructure in times of flooding. We do not provide them to protect individual properties.

You should be aware that responsibility to protect your homes and businesses from flooding, including using the deployment of sandbags and flood defences, lies with the property owners.

How can I be prepared for flooding, and what can I do in the event of a flood?

Our local flood risk management strategy

As the Lead Local Flood Authority, we are responsible for coordinating the management of flooding from groundwater, surface water and ordinary water courses within the borough.

Groundwater flooding:

  • happens when water levels in the ground rise above surface levels

Surface water flooding (also known as flash flooding):

  • happens when heavy rainfall overwhelms the drains of the local area, or when a pumping station fails
  • is more difficult to predict and pinpoint than river flooding
  • we estimate that around 3,389 residential properties and 233 non-residential properties in the borough are at risk from surface water flooding (Hackney Local Flood Risk Management Strategy,  2016)

River flooding (fluvial):

  • happens when a water course cannot cope with the water draining into it from the surrounding land
  • is usually caused by heavy rain falling on already waterlogged land

We have a range of duties and powers to help reduce and manage flooding within the borough. We work closely with external bodies such as the Environment Agency and Thames Water to provide a joined up approach.

Unfortunately it is not always possible to prevent damage to properties in every flood. We do not have a legal obligation to protect individual properties. However, we will do all we can to reduce the risk of flooding and help residents following a flood.

Hackney’s as the  LLFA  can be contacted via email: floodsandsuds@hackney.gov.uk.

The local flood risk management strategy sets out how the Council, together with other organisations, will deal with the risk of flooding.

Flood Asset Register

We maintain a register and record of assets that have a significant impact on the risk of flooding. (This is required by the Flood and Water Management Act.) An asset is a structure or feature that can affect the flow or storage of water.

For example a wall next to a river could stop water from flooding houses during heavy rain, and it could be considered an asset. Pipes in the ground, bridges and roadside gullies are other examples of assets that can affect flood risk.

Managing development and building works

Requests regarding flooding or drainage information for properties, building works, or site development should be sent by email to Floodsandsuds@hackney.gov.uk.

Strategic flood risk assessment Level 2

Local flood planning work, which is part of the Greater London Authority’s overall Drain London project, aims to understand what causes flooding, where it may represent a risk and how boroughs can manage the risk and the impact on residents and businesses.

The Council has collected data from local and national sources including within the borough, the Environment Agency, Thames Water, emergency services and other risk management authorities such as Transport for London, in order to develop a clear overall understanding of the flood risks across Hackney.

This document includes maps showing areas at risk of flooding and aims to provide the best information available to allow residents and businesses to be better prepared and make informed choices.

While the production of maps indicating flood risk areas does not cause flooding, or mean it will definitely happen, under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 and the Flood Risk Regulations (2009) it is the responsibility of the Council to give a general indication of risk areas and also to provide information and advice on how everyone can reduce the risk to themselves and their property.

Surface water management plan (SWMP)

The SWMP outlines the preferred surface water management strategy for the borough. In this context surface water flooding describes flooding from sewers, drains, groundwater, and runoff from land, small watercourses and ditches that occurs as a result of heavy rainfall.

For further information regarding surface water management please email floodsandsuds@hackney.gov.uk.

Other resources and websites

  • the National Flood Forum is a charity run by people who have experienced the trauma, loss and frustration that accompany flooding and provides support and advice to communities and individuals that have been flooded or are at risk of flooding
  • the Environment Agency is responsible for making people aware of flooding from rivers and the sea, provide flood warning services and build and maintain flood defences
  • the Council is responsible for the gullies (road drains) which collect the water running off roads and pavements. Find out flooding on the highway
  • Thames Water provide water services in Hackney. Find out what to do if you have problems with drains or sewers and check the condition or quality of your tap water
  • the Health Protection Agency is now part of Public Health England. It provides practical and health advice for managing in the home with disrupted or no mains water. Read their advice about coping without mains water
  • our emergency planning services can help you prepare for a flood and other emergencies. Call 020 8356 3000 to speak to a member of staff about flooding
Page updated on: 13 June 2024

Emergency Planning and Response Team


Civil Protection Service Emergency Planning and Response Team
Stoke Newington Town Hall
184 Stoke Newington Church Street
N16 0JR