We have a number of garages across Hackney for a convenient, secure and economical way to store your car or bike.
You don’t have to be a council tenant or leaseholder to rent a garage.
Garage cost
The weekly charge of renting a garage for council tenants and leaseholders are:
£17.30 for underground garages
£22.20 for overground garages
£29.40 for commercial garages
The weekly charge of renting a garage for all other applicants are:
£20.76 (including VAT) for underground garages
£26.64 (including VAT) for overground garages
£35.28 (including VAT) for commercial garages
Priority list
Priority 1
Persons with mobility disabilities – council tenants, leaseholders, tenants of leaseholders, and those permanently residing within their household; and who live on the estate where the vacancy occurs, and they hold a ‘blue disabled badge’.
Priority 2
Persons who are aged 60 years and over; who are either council tenants, leaseholders, tenants of leaseholders, and those permanently residing within their household; where no other garage / parking space already rented by anyone within that household, and who live on the estate where the vacancy occurs.
Priority 3
Persons who are aged 60 years and over; who are either council tenants, leaseholders, tenants of leaseholders, and those permanently residing within their household; where no other garage / parking space already rented by anyone within that household, and who live on the estate where the vacancy occurs.
Priority 4
Council tenants, leaseholders, tenants of leaseholders, and those permanently residing within their household; where no garage / parking space rented within the household, and who live on the estate where the vacancy occurs.
Priority 5
Persons who are aged 60 years and over; who are council tenants, leaseholders, tenants of leaseholders and those permanently residing within their household; with no parking space / garage and who don’t live on the estate where the vacancy occurs.
Priority 6
Council tenants, leaseholders, tenants of leaseholders and those permanently residing within their household who already rent one garage / parking space who live on the estate where the vacancy occurs.
Priority 7
Council tenants, leaseholders, tenants of leaseholders and those permanently residing within their household who already rent one garage / parking space who don’t live on the estate where the vacancy occurs.
Priority 8
Council tenants, leaseholders, tenants of leaseholders and those permanently residing within their household who already rent 2 or more garage / parking spaces who live or don’t on the estate where the vacancy occurs.
Priority 9
Non-council tenants / estate residents.
Priority 10
Non-council tenants/estate residents who rent one or more garages / parking spaces.
Priority 11
Non-Hackney borough residents and private / public companies.
Apply to rent a garage
You can apply online or contact our neighbourhood contact centre. We give priority to people with disabilities. If you’re a council tenant and you are in arrears with your rent, you may not be allowed to rent a garage.
We’re unable to confirm how long it might be before you are allocated a garage. Waiting times depend on priority, numbers of applicants and the number of garages available in your preferred areas.