Non-licensable events
Some community type events, such as a street party, often won’t constitute a licensable event. We advise that you check this by providing details of the event, such as:
- what activities are proposed – music, dancing, any sale of alcohol
- who will be attending the event
- whether it will be open to members of the public
- whether any profit is to be made from the event
The details should be sent to:
Licensing Service
Hackney Service Centre
1 Hillman Street
London E8 1DY
You can also email to
Please include a contact telephone number so that, if officers need any further information or clarification, we can contact you quickly. We will then be able to advise you further.
Depending on the nature and size of your event, there are a lot of different matters to be considered. You should consider setting up a management group to oversee the arrangements for the different aspects of the event, and allocate tasks among you so that the workload doesn’t fall to one person.
If you’re proposing a Big Lunch event, visit The Big Lunch website for advice.
Risk assessments
When deciding what activities you propose to provide on the day, you should consider carrying out a risk assessment exercise to identify what could go wrong, how serious matters would be dealt with, and what steps you can / have put in place to deal with such eventualities. For example:
- What would you do about a bouncy castle if it was a windy day?
- What arrangements would you put in place for an outdoor event if the weather is very hot?
- Have you considered the potential problems a BBQ could cause?
You should carry out a risk assessment for every activity – for any tea party, musical entertainment, bouncy castle, dancing and so on. See below for information regarding risk assessments covering fire.
It’s advisable to have public liability insurance for your event, just in case a problem develops or, in the case of a road closure, because the Council requires it. Your own insurer should be able to provide information. For easy reference, the following provide insurance cover for street party events:
Other requirements to bear in mind
Depending on the nature and size of your event, you will need to have regard to some / all of the following matters.
Fire safety
A fire risk assessment, which is a structured and systematic examination of the premises to identify the hazards from fire, should be carried out. Once identified, you must then decide, if a hazard is significant, who is at risk and whether the existing fire precautions are adequate, so that the risk associated with the hazard is acceptably low.
If the existing fire precautions are not adequate you must take additional action to minimize the risk, either by removing or reducing the hazard or by providing adequate control measures.
Contact the Fire Safety Office at the London Fire Brigade for further information:
North East Area 2
London Fire Brigade
169 Union Street
London SE1 0LL
Tel: 020 8555 1200, Extension 5213
Food and food hygiene
If food is being sold, given away or supplied in any form you need to notify the food health safety team. They will also advise you about:
- the requirements for food safety
- risk assessment and
- the use of equipment
Hackney Service Centre
1 Hillman Street, London E8 1DY
Tel: 020 8356 4911
Contact the local events planning team, who will need to be advised of:
- acts taking part in your event
- a list of the activities you’re proposing to have at the event and
- your / your management committee’s full contact details, in case the team have any queries or need any further information
Stoke Newington Police Station
33 Stoke Newington High Street
London N16 8DS
Tel: 020 7275 3054
Pollution (noise)
It’s an offence to cause statutory noise nuisance and can result in legal action, so make contact for advice if your event involves music (amplified or not), or amplified voices / announcements.
Contact the noise pollution service for further information:
PO Box 60476
London E8 9EJ
Tel: 020 8356 4455
Refuse / rubbish collection
All events generate rubbish. You need to have provisions in place for refuse collection and street cleaning (litter). Waste services will need to be notified of all events.
Hackney’s waste services will be happy to quote for these provisions for any prospective event. If you do choose to use your own contractor of choice, you will need to provide details of the provider and the details of the service they will be providing for you.
Hackney waste services
Millfields Road Depot
Millfields Road
London E5 0AR
Tel: 020 8356 6683
Road closure and traffic management
If your event means you need to close a road you must obtain permission. In addition, you will need to have a traffic management plan that will also require approval. You are advised to contact the officer below as soon as possible to discuss you proposals as a traffic management plan needs to be submitted at least six weeks before your proposed event. There can also be a long lead-in time for any road closure.
Organisers will have to confirm if they have a traffic management company to undertake the signing of any diversionary routes, to the current legislative requirements.
For further information, please contact Hackney Service Centre, Streetscene Service, (Traffic and Transportation)
Tel: 020 8356 2897
If your activity or event takes place on the street (or on open land within seven metres of the street) and it involves:
- offering anything for sale
- selling anything or
- offering or advertising any service
The traders will need to apply for street trading licences.
A minimum of 4 weeks notice will be necessary for the street trading licensing process to be completed.
Information and application forms can also be obtained from the markets and street trading service by pre-bookable appointments on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
2 Hillman Street
London E8
Tel: 020 8356 3360
Temporary structures
If you are proposing to have a marquee, stage or any other temporary structure at your event, you may need approval from the building control service.
Hackney Service Centre
1 Hillman Street E8 1DY
Tel: 020 8356 8002
Licensing Service
Opening times
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9am to 5pm (telephone)
- Wednesday – 9am to 4pm (telephone)
- Monday to Friday 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm (visitors to Hackney Service Centre)