Brownfield land register

We’re required to prepare, maintain and publish a register of brownfield land that is considered suitable for residential development.

The brownfield land register can have 2 parts. Part 1 is a list of brownfield sites in the borough that are considered suitable for housing. Part 2 grants permission in principle (similar to an outline planning permission) for the sites listed in part 1.

Sites with permission in principle then need a technical details consent to obtain full permission.

Hackney’s register includes only part 1. It was first published in December 2017 and we update it yearly. We last updated the register in February 2024.


Which sites can be added to the register?

To be entered onto the register, sites must meet the following criteria:

  • the land is capable of supporting at least 5 dwellings
  • the land is suitable and available for housing-led development
  • residential development of the land is achievable

Hackney’s brownfield land register

The list of sites is made up of sites with existing planning permissions, which have not yet been implemented and sites where permission has lapsed, but the sites are still suitable for housing-led development.

Sites allocated for housing-led development in our development plan documents have also been included. We continually review sites for inclusion in the register.

The information in the register is correct at the time of publication. We carry out regular updates to the register in line with the government guidance.

See Hackney brownfield register (google sheets).

See Hackney brownfield register (CSV 96kb).

If you have any queries on the details included on the register, or if you have any sites you wish to be considered for inclusion, contact us.

Brownfield land map

Page updated on: 14 June 2024

Planning Policy


Planning & Regulatory Services
Hackney Service Centre
2 Hillman Street
E8 1FB