Spring Hill Recreation Ground

Spring Hill Recreation Ground forms part of the eastern boundary of the borough and is located next to Springfield Park, the River Lea and Walthamstow Marshes.

It’s also a part of the Lea Valley Park, London’s largest green space. The site mainly consists of amenity grassland and is predominantly used for sport.



Booking the sports facilities

User group

Spring Hill Recreation Ground does not have its own specific park user group. However, Springfield Park user group have a keen interest in the site and welcome anyone into their ranks who has a passion for either Springfield Park or Spring Hill Recreation Ground. They meet monthly and can be contacted via email at spugcommittee@hotmail.com.


Barbecues are not allowed in Spring Hill Recreation Ground.


Dogs are excluded from the play area and sports facilities. Council Officers have the power to request that dogs are put on leads if they are behaving aggressively, causing damage, or if their owner does not have appropriate control over them. More information on dogs in parks.

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Page updated on: 2 May 2023

Spring Hill Recreation Ground


Spring Hill Recreation Ground
Spring Hill
E5 9BL


Opening times

  • 24 hours a day