Transfer of premises licence
The Licensing Act 2003 allows an individual or business to take over an existing premises licence from the current premises licence holder by applying for a transfer of the licence.
A transfer only changes the identity of the holder of the licence and does not alter the licence in any other way.
If the licensee wants to vary any of the licensing activities or conditions it will be necessary to apply for a variation of premises licence.
The holder of the premises licence is required to pay an annual fee (and late night levy where relevant) by the anniversary of the grant of the licence. Before applying for a transfer, you may wish to check with the outgoing licence holder if there are any outstanding licence fees from previous years that remain payable.
- LA09 transfer of a premises licence application form
- LA06 fees list
- LA10 consent of holder to transfer
To apply for a transfer you will need to submit:
- a completed transfer application form
- a consent form from the current licence holder or a statement as to why it is not included
- a copy of the current premises licence or a statement as to why it is not included
- the appropriate fee, which is currently £23
- documents demonstrating entitlement to work / immigration status in the United Kingdom
You will also need to send a copy of the application to Hackney Police and Home Office Immigration Enforcement. Only the police and Home Office Immigration Enforcement may make representations.
Hackney Licensing Unit
Stoke Newington Police Station
33 Stoke Newington High Street
London N16 8DS
Tel: 020 7275 3022
Alcohol Licensing Team
Lunar House
40 Wellesley Road
Croydon CR9 2BY
Licensing Service
Opening times
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9am to 5pm (telephone)
- Wednesday – 9am to 4pm (telephone)
- Monday to Friday 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm (visitors to Hackney Service Centre)