Local plan 2033 (LP33)
The borough wide Local Plan 2033, known as LP33, is the key strategic planning document used to direct and guide development in the borough up to 2033. Our aim is to make sure that the right amount of development is built in the right place at the right time so that the future needs of the borough are met.
Hackney Council adopted LP33 at Full Council on 22 July 2020 (Council meetings).
LP33 combines and replaces a number of our existing plans – namely, the core strategy, development management local plan and site allocations local plan as well as the area action plans for Dalston, Hackney Central and Manor House.
Along with the London plan, the local plan forms the development plan against which individual proposals are assessed.
- Hackney local plan 2033 (July 2020)
- policies map (July 2020)
- adoption statement (July 2020)
- planning inspector’s report (June 2020) and schedule of main modifications (June 2020)
- integrated impact assessment of the draft local plan at reg 18 (Oct 2017)
- integrated impact assessment of the proposed submission local plan at reg 19 (Oct 2018)
- integrated impact assessment of the main modifications (Oct 2019)
Any person who is unhappy with the adoption of LP33 may make an application to the High Court under section 113 of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Any such application must be made promptly, before the end of the six week period beginning with the day after the relevant date (23 July 2020).
Before being adopted by the Council, LP33 was the subject of an independent examination in public, which took place during the summer of 2019. The examination was presided over by an inspector appointed by and representing the secretary of state. You can see the history of LP33 Examination.
LP33 policies map
The policies map sets out the strategic policies, the designations and the site allocations that are contained in LP33, for clear visual reference:
Evidence base and other supporting documents
We have produced and commissioned studies, documents and background evidence which provide information to support LP33.
Integrated impact assessments
- sustainability appraisal scoping report
- integrated impact assessment of the proposed submission local plan
- employment land study (2017)
- employment land study appendices (2017)
- affordable workspace – note of meeting with providers (2017)
- strategic housing market assessment
- strategic housing market assessment addendum
- Gypsy, Traveller and travelling showpeople accommodation assessment
- Gypsy, Traveller and travelling showpeople accommodation assessment addendum
Community infrastructure
Open space
Town centres
- town centre and retail study (2017) – technical appendices are available on request
- additional evidence for Hackney Central and Stamford Hill town centre designations
Climate change
- strategic flood risk assessment
- surface water management plan
- strategic flood risk assessment addendum
Flood risk maps
- figure 1 – flood risk from rivers
- figure 1a – flood risk from rivers
- figure 2 – risk of flooding from surface water
- figure 2a – risk of flooding from surface water
- figure 2b – risk of flooding from surface water
- figure 2c – risk of flooding from surface water
Design and heritage
- Hackney’s characterisation study (high-res)
- Hackney’s characterisation study (low-res)
- proposed archaeological priority areas (2017)
- conservation areas review (2017)
- conservation areas review – appendix A
- conservation areas review – appendix B
- conservation areas review – appendix C
- conservation areas review – appendix D
- conservation areas review – appendix E
- conservation areas review – appendix F
- conservation areas review – appendix G
More information
For more information about LP33, contact us on planmaking@hackney.gov.uk or 020 8356 8084.