Pay your rent

Pay for multiple services

You can pay your rent at the same time as other services, like your garage rent and council tax bill.

You can do this on our multiple payments page.

Pay for multiple services

Standing order

Set up payments to be taken weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Complete the form and return it to your bank.

Download a standing order form (doc 32kb)

By phone

Use the automated telephone service to make payments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

You will need a debit or credit card and your rent account number.

Call 020 8356 5050

By online banking

To pay using online banking, please use the details below:

  • bank: Lloyds
  • account number: 00641877
  • sort code: 30-00-02

You must include your 10 digit rent number as the reference.

You can also pay using your mobile banking app.

Follow these easy steps:

  • save the London Borough of Hackney’s mobile payment number, 07535 844 354, to your mobile phone contacts
  • using your mobile banking app set up a payment:
    • choose the London Borough of Hackney from your contacts list
    • enter the amount you want to pay
    • enter your 10 digit rent account number as the reference
    • submit the payment

When the payment has been made, you will receive a confirmation message on your mobile device.

Post office and pay point

Use your rent card to pay over the counter at your local post office or PayPoint.

You can use cash or credit/debit card.

Problems paying your rent

Contact us straight away if you’re having problems paying your rent. We may come to an arrangement that you can afford.

Call 020 8356 3330 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

Page updated on: 28 March 2024

Income Services


Opening times

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9am to 5pm (telephone)
  • Wednesday – 9am to 4pm (telephone)