Sexual health

Visit a sexual health clinic

You can access a wide range of sexual health services at the Homerton sexual health clinics and some pharmacies:

Online free sexual health services

You can access free sexual health services online at Sexual Health London (SHL). This includes STI tests, oral contraception and emergency hormonal contraception:

HIV support

We work with a number of service providers to offer support to residents who live with or are affected by HIV.

Mpox vaccination (previously known as monkeypox)

Vaccination against mpox is available for those most at risk.

Those eligible for the vaccine include:

  • gay or bisexual men
  • men who have sex with men who have many sexual partners
  • men who take part in group sex or attend sex on premises venues
  • staff who work in sex on premises venues

Eligible people who regularly travel to London or abroad to have sex can book a vaccine appointment in London using the SHL vaccine finder.

As a Hackney resident, your nearest clinic is the Clifden Centre at Homerton Hospital. To book an appointment, call 0207 683 4103.

Support for sex workers in Hackney

Open Doors is a free and confidential advice service for people working in the sex industry in Hackney and the City of London. It is delivered by Homerton Sexual Health Service and provides a range of support. 

See Open Doors.

Information for suppliers of sexual health services

We ensure that suitably qualified and CQC registered open access sexual health services are available to residents in Hackney.

We do this by negotiating terms and conditions with local providers based within Hackney and across London, to provide the following services:

Page updated on: 7 March 2025