Hackney Design Awards 2024

Hackney Design Awards return this year. The programme is open to all and nominations open in September for the best new buildings and public spaces in the borough. The awards launched in 2004 and are held every two years. They celebrate the best in new architecture and design throughout the borough.

Since the awards began in 2004, there have been over 400 nominations, more than 150 shortlisted schemes, and over 100 mentions, commendations, and awards.

Message from Cllr Guy Nicholson

Cllr Guy Nicholson, Deputy Mayor for Delivery, Inclusive Economy and Regeneration, said:

“The Hackney Design Awards are an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the rich variety of the built environment in Hackney, focussing on design and architecture, from small scale projects to large developments. These well-designed buildings and public spaces are a crucial part of creating the vibrant neighbourhoods that Hackney is known for.

“Please take a moment to nominate your favourite building or public space project to help us all celebrate the best new buildings and public spaces in our borough.”

Before you make a nomination

Before you make a nomination you should think about:

  • quality – is it of the highest quality in terms of its design, materials used or construction, and is an outstanding example for its end use?
  • contextual response – does it make a positive contribution to its location and local context, including the historic environment?
  • innovation – is it an original response to design, construction or environmental constraints, or does it use pioneering building materials or techniques including renewable energy production?
  • climate resilience – does it actively seek to reduce its carbon footprint by considering both embodied and operational carbon emissions?

Make a nomination

Make a nomination

You must include:

  • relevant drawings in context (for example, plans, elevations and sections)
  • between five and ten photos with a minimum 300 dpi resolution – you must send them as standalone files and cover all relevant aspects of your nomination (for example, interior, exterior, elevations, local context)

If you submit over five photos, list your five preferred photos on the nomination form. If your nomination is shortlisted we will include them in the awards brochure.

Who can make a nomination

Anyone can nominate a project they feel represents good architecture and design in any new development of any size in Hackney. Previous nominations have been made by:

  • architects
  • people who work in Hackney
  • school pupils
  • residents
  • visitors

What you can nominate

The new building, scheme or space that you want to nominate must:

  • be in the borough of Hackney
  • have been completed no earlier than 26 August 2022 and be fully functioning by 30 September 2024

You can nominate all types of public and private development, including:

  • new buildings
  • extensions
  • alterations
  • refurbishments
  • public realm and landscaping schemes

Alongside the main awards programme, there are also two special categories:

  • Climate Change and Sustainability Award – innovative projects delivering climate resilient solutions which support Hackney’s pledge to tackle the climate emergency and achieve a net zero carbon Hackney by 2040
  • Heritage and Restoration Award – restorations, buildings or extensions within a heritage setting that respect and celebrate the historic environment and add to local character

If you make a nomination for the Climate Change and Sustainability Award we encourage you to submit the following metrics:

  • space heating demand and energy use intensity in kWh/sqm/yr
  • upfront embodied carbon in kg.CO2e/sqm
  • on site renewable energy microgeneration and storage opportunities in kWp
  • low energy certifications such as Passivhaus, EnerPHit or AECB Carbon Lite

After you make a nomination

Once we record your nomination, we will send you a confirmation. We will then log the nomination details and investigate further to gather as much information as we can to help with the judging.

If your nomination is shortlisted, we will reach out to the lead contact on the form to arrange a site visit. All shortlisted schemes will need to be available all day for a judging visit on 25 October.

People’s Choice Award

The People’s Choice Award has been running since 2010 and offers residents the opportunity to be part of the awards process.

We will publish all shortlisted entries, the voting process, and how to vote on this page in November 2024.

Meet the judges

Timeline for the 2024 Hackney Design Awards

Page updated on: 2 September 2024

Hackney Design Awards