Financial advice if you’re getting social care
Paying for care
Once your care is agreed on, we will check your income to see if we will pay towards it. This is called a financial assessment. You’ll be sent a financial assessment form (PDF 1,021kb) to complete and return to us as soon as you can. You can also download and complete the form online or by printing it.
You’ll have to pay for your support if you have money or property over £23,250. If you have less, we’ll work out how much you’ll need to pay towards your care costs.
You can start receiving care and support before the financial assessment is complete. If we find that you need to pay anything we’ll send you the charges for the care you’ve received.
If you know you have more than £23,250 in savings or property, or if you do not want to be assessed, you can choose not to have a financial assessment. You will then be charged the full amount for your care.
Personal budgets
A personal budget is the amount of money we’ve judged necessary to spend in order to meet your social care needs. It gives you more choice and control over buying and arranging the help you need.
Direct payments
If you receive community care services from us, you can choose to have direct payments in cash to arrange your own support. This is instead of getting services organised by social services.
Care at home or in your community
Find out about paying towards care at home or in your community.
This includes a carer visiting you at home or going out for meals at a day centre.
Residential or nursing care homes
Sometimes living at home is no longer practical and moving into residential or nursing care may be the best option.
The majority of people will have to pay something towards the cost of their stay.
Financial arrangements advice for residential or nursing care homes.
Deferring the cost of your home
View guidance on deferring the cost of your home when you start residential or nursing care.
Choosing your accommodation
View guidance on choosing your accommodation.
Help claiming benefits
If you receive care services from us, we can offer you help claiming benefits to maximise your income.
If you’d like a home visit from our welfare benefits officer, contact the care charging team on 020 8356 4738 or speak with your care manager.
Independent financial advice
Find out about how to access independent financial advice.
Some advisors provide advice on general areas of financial management. For example, savings and pensions.
Others may specialise in aspects of financial management relating to your care and support, including paying for care.
How we support you and decide the cost of your support
The Independent Living Fund (ILF)
The Independent Living Fund (ILF) was set up to provide financial support to disabled people to enable them to live independently.
We are responsible for meeting their care and support needs. If you’re using the fund and have any questions you should contact us.
Adult social care
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9am to 5pm020 8356 6262
- Wednesday – 9am to 4pm020 8356 6262
- Urgent out of hours0208 356 2300